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Jade and Dean had been doing their wedding planning all week and since they worked together, they were nearly done.

All they had to do was go to a few caterers and see which one would be perfect

Jade was in a short sundress, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her usual heels

Dean and her got into the van, she at the wheel, as she was backing out, she looked at Dean, seeing the light catch in his blue eyes

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Dean and her got into the van, she at the wheel, as she was backing out, she looked at Dean, seeing the light catch in his blue eyes

Dean and her got into the van, she at the wheel, as she was backing out, she looked at Dean, seeing the light catch in his blue eyes

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"You honestly look so hot right now," she said, going onto the road

"Yeah?" He asked smirking at her
"Yeah, totally," she replied

They got to the caterer's and tried the food, it was okay but they didn't think it was perfect, the second one was really, really good but the preparers looked sketchy, everything about the third one was perfect so they went with the third one

They were on their way back home, making small talk

Now Dean was showing her locations on the couch

"And this church is insane, its got a huge aisle that you'll walk down, and its got the most incredible garden," he said, gushing about a particular church

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"And this church is insane, its got a huge aisle that you'll walk down, and its got the most incredible garden," he said, gushing about a particular church

"Do you like that church?" Jade asked smiling when he turned to her

"I mean, it's an awesome church and we could have it decorated, but it's not my decision to make," he said explaining

"I mean, it's an awesome church and we could have it decorated, but it's not my decision to make," he said explaining

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"No, well if you like that church, we'll have the wedding there," she said

Truth be told, Jade didn't care about where or how the wedding took place

It could be at a run down chapel at 2am in Vegas or it could've been a grand, royale wedding at some huge cathedral.

Once she was married to this man who was fangirling over a church, she didn't care.

She smiled and nodded at whatever Dean said

"Babe," she called

"When do you wanna get married?" She asked, stretching out on his lap and arching her back in a yawn

"Saturday," he replied calmly

Jade flailed and fell off his lap, landing on the floor

"Jade!" Dean squealed, reaching down to pick her up

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked, bringing her back next to him 

"Saturday?!" She exclaimed

"You wanna get married two days from today?!"

"We wasted too much time, I wanna be married to you already!" He replied

Jade smiled and huffed

"Well you'll need a tux," she said

"C'mon, let's go," she said, grabbing her purse and walking to the car

"I mean, you should've told me you wanted the wedding so early," she told him, looking his way

"I mean, you should've told me you wanted the wedding so early," she told him, looking his way

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"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," he said, briefly glancing at her

"It's fine," she said, shaking her head

When they got there, it was hell. Dean complained about every suit

"The tie is literally choking me," he said making a croaking noise and an uncomfortable face

"The tie is literally choking me," he said making a croaking noise and an uncomfortable face

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Jade rolled her eyes for what felt like the 20th time since they got there

Then her eyes caught an all black suit and she grinned

"This one will look so good on you." She said, handing it to him

He really liked how he looked in it

Now that they had bought his suit, they were on their way home

"Babe, I'm sorry I annoyed you so much in the tux shop," Dean said

Jade chuckled

"Don't worry," she replied, lovingly swiping his chin

"It's what I love about your dumb ass," she joked, making him laugh

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