Could You Not?

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Jade sighed as she rolled out the pizza dough on the rolling board

She watched Dean sigh sadly, leaning on his palm

"Do you want a meat pizza or Hawaiian?" She asked, taking out the sauce

He sighed again and shrugged, making Jade, forcedly contain herself

"Okay, do you want coke, juice or beer?" She asked

Dean sighed again and shrugged, Jade slammed the sauce pan on the counter making Dean jump in shock

"Would you stop?" Jade yelled

Dean had freaking been like this the whole damn week since he lost his championship, he was mopey, wasn't talking to anyone and just yesterday, she had to console her crying daughter, who taught her daddy was angry at her. She honestly couldn't take this

"You need to get your shit together. Cuz it's so fucking frustrating. You lost a damn championship, move on. I love you baby, but I'm a 9x champion Dean, meaning I've lost my championship 8 times, I know how it feels and you're gonna win it back so could you stop being such a douchebag, talk to me when you get your priorities straight," Jade hissed, lowly, since DJ was in the living room

She sliced the pizza and plated two pieces, before she walked out with the plates and two cups of juice

Dean didn't want to answer her, therefore he could do it himself, so she only took out food for her and her kid

Jade and DJ laughed as Spongebob began laughing

"Jade, can I talk to you?" Dean asked, coming into the living room, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly

Jade didn't say anything, she simply got up and walked towards him, knowing DJ was fully engrossed in Spongebob, so she wasn't gonna be bored anytime soon

When they got to the other room, Dean sat down and Jade looked at him

When they got to the other room, Dean sat down and Jade looked at him

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"I'm sorry." He said, looking up at her

"I love you, you know I do, it's just that I feel like such a failure, and I'm supposed to support everybody in this house, what's gonna happen when I can't even do that?" He said

Jade said nothing

"But I know I'm behaving foolishly and I'm really sorry, can you ever forgive me?" He asked

Still, Jade said nothing.

She walked out of the room without a word, making Dean drop his head in his hands, thinking he had finally screwed things up

Jade then walked back in, Dean looked up as Jade handed him a plate with his little personal meat pizza, with a heart drawn with ketchup on the top

"Of course I forgive you babe," she replied, sitting on top his lap, wrapping her arms around her neck

"You know I can't stay mad at your sexy self," she said, licking the length of his neck, as his eyes closed

"But I'm not the only one you need to apologize to," Jade reminded as they both looked at DJ on the couch

Jade went to open a beer for Dean, seeing Dean talking to DJ, before she smiled widely and threw herself around him, both of them laughing sweetly as they held on to each other

Her family was so cute, they were her everything

Author's Note

Guys, thank you so much for 60.something K 💘😌🙏

Love you

Btw, since nobody's reading Wolf Eyes, I'm gonna delete it and begin a book about the other love of my life, Seth Rollins, where he's a WWE Superstar and an OC is a singer who has a relationship with him. I'm excited bout it so yeah💋😹



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