Why Did I Agree To This Again?

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"Why did I agree to this again?" Jade asked jokingly as she took in what Dean was doing

"Why did I agree to this again?" Jade asked jokingly as she took in what Dean was doing

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He smiled as he hit a hole in one

"Because you love me," he replied
"Your shot," he told her, moving back so she could hit the ball

"Sometimes I really regret loving you," she said, smirking as she followed his putt

"How could you say that to the most lovable guy in the world?" He asked, referring to himself with a smile

"How could you say that to the most lovable guy in the world?" He asked, referring to himself with a smile

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"You're so damn lucky you're adorable," she told him as they began walking to the next plain

"Bora Bora is so pretty, ain't it?" She asked with a smile

"Yeah, it's almost as pretty as you," he flirted

Jade didn't want to admit it, but she blushed like a virgin

She laughed where she was as Dean missed the next 4 backup shots

He got angry by the fifth and started strangling the golf club

"Goddamn sonuva gun," he cussed, making Jade laugh louder He looked at her and gave her an "intimidating" look

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"Goddamn sonuva gun," he cussed, making Jade laugh louder
He looked at her and gave her an "intimidating" look

"Don't make me use this," he threatened playfully, pointing it to her

"Don't make me use this," he threatened playfully, pointing it to her

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She began laughing louder if that was possible

"You lunatic," she smiled as she made the followup shots, landing each one perfectly in the hole

"Okay, now you're showing off," he said

"Of course I am, you look so cute in your little uniform, let me get a picture," she said, putting down her club and smiling as she posted it to instagram

"Of course I am, you look so cute in your little uniform, let me get a picture," she said, putting down her club and smiling as she posted it to instagram

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@JadeWWE Look how cute he looks!! ❤💪😘 #Husband #GrrFace

She smiled and they finished their game

"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" Dean asked as they sat in their hotel room

"I saw some SurfBoard Yoga fliers when I went out for my run this morning, we could do that," she suggested, mixing a protein shake

"That sounds really fun, and then beach after?" He asked

"Definitely," she replied, leaning over to kiss him

Author's Note

Do you guys like the book?

Some of the frequent commentators aren't commenting anymore😭😭

JR and Michael Cole would be so disappointed😢😢

Please, please, please comment! Let's me know you all are enjoying the book ((it's nearly over))

The last chapter will be entitled "This World Of Ours"
Look out for it! 🙌🙌 (Will be followed by an epilogue, then an author's note)



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