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Jade was laying in bed, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians when a sweaty Dean walked in

Jade was laying in bed, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians when a sweaty Dean walked in

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"Hey babe," he said giving her a kiss

She smiled

"How was your sweat?" She asked him, turning back to the TV as Dean began putting his clothes in the hamper

"Oh, was good, I more did cardio I'm a little tired," he replied

He walked back in the room taking out some underwear and shorts before walking back into the bathroom

"Did you make dinner or are we going out?" He asked, the sound of the faucet opening filled the room

"I made dinner," she called back, he made a noise of appreciation and then began brushing his teeth

After watching Khloe throw a drink on Scott, Dean came out and smiled at her

"You already ate or?" He asked putting his towel away

"No, no, I was waiting for you." She replied switching off the TV and going to the kitchen with Dean following

As she plated the food and they went outside, he took a sip of beer and began speaking

"So I was talking to John at the gym earlier," he said cutting a piece of steak

"Oh yeah?" Jade replied looking at the night sky

"Yeah, and he was telling me that you and Nikki are planning a trip to Napa Valley this weekend?" He spoke looking at her

"I mean, it's an option but I told her I'd have to ask you before I got back to her," she replied

Dean nodded

"But like, why did you think you had to ask me?" He asked

Jade half shrugged

"I mean, you are my boyfriend so I guess I thought you should know," she replied

"I wouldn't have asked you," Dean said like he was contemplating

"I should though." He spoke again

"I mean, I don't expect you to run every little thing by me, just the bigger things you know," she spoke putting her fork in her mouth

"Yeah, I'm glad you asked, shows how much you respect me, I promise whenever the opportunity presents itself, I'll respect you too," Dean smiled at her

She grinned and smiled as he leaned in and kissed her before they continued their food with some comfortable small talk

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