Hall Of Fame Ceremony Date

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Jade and Dean walked up the two steps and both Dean and Jade looked amazing

Jade and Dean walked up the two steps and both Dean and Jade looked amazing

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They walked in and waved to the fans as they were introduced

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They walked in and waved to the fans as they were introduced

Renee motioned them over and they walked over, Jade hugged Renee and Dean hugged her then he wrapped an arm around Jade's waist

"So you guys both look so amazing and happy, are you both excited?" She asked

"Very much and it's gonna be a great night," Jade said

"So Dean, tomorrow you have a match against Baron Corbin, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good, confident and I'm gonna shut him up for good tomorrow night," he replied Jade cuddled to his chest, he smiled and kissed her hair

"You look beautiful cupcake," he whispered

"And will you be accompanying him tomorrow Jade?"

"Of course I will, gotta support my lunatic," Jade replied smiling

"Okay well have a great night, you both look amazing," she complimented

"You too Renee, you look beautiful love, have a good night," Jade said as Dean led her to where they'd get their picture taken

The rest of the night was filled with kisses and Jade cuddled into Dean's chest while he wrapped her in his warmth and more than once, kissed her hair

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The rest of the night was filled with kisses and Jade cuddled into Dean's chest while he wrapped her in his warmth and more than once, kissed her hair

She couldn't wait to be on that stage one day, wearing a Hall of Fame ring. But for now, she'd have to wait. But one day, she knew, she'd be up there.

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