She's Officially Here

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Going To Hell by The Pretty Reckless began and smoke began filling the arena before the lights went down and the shadow of the Huntress showed with a bow and arrow. She leaned backward and shot the arrow to the roof of the arena and fireworks went off. Then as the song lyrics began playing, the lights flickered on then off and when they came back on, she stood in the middle of the ring with her hood on. The roar of the crowd deafening her. She smiled secretly and rolled her neck before she took off the hooded part of her attire.

Then she stooped in the corner, smirking as Natalya's music played and she walked out.

The bell rang and Jade circled Natalya, grinning and tilting her head scaring Nattie

Jade pushed her tongue into her bottom lip and clotheslined Natalya out of nowhere, catching her off guard

She slid onto Natalya and started hammering away on any visible part. She grabbed Nattie's hair and pulled her up swinging her into a DDT she stood up and the crowd cheered. She was really starting to like the ring again.

Natalya caught her off guard with a kick that took her down and then locked in a sharpshooter

Jade rolled over and locked Natalya in a Figure 4 then she bridged, locking Natalya in what she called a "Suicide Bridge" 

Natalya tried to reach Jade to break the hold but she couldn't until she made it to the bottom rope

Jade let go and sighed before she decided to go against the script as she usually does.

She laid Natalya out on the mat and swung herself to the top rope and took a deep breath showing an act of pulling the quiver of the arrow back and shooting an imaginary arrow before she jumped off and did a total of 3 spins on the air before she flung her entire body on Natalya's.

She smirked and picked up Natalya and got her up on her shoulders and gave her a Bow&Arrow smirking as she slid into the cover

1. 2. 3.

"Ring the bell!" The referee shouted

Huntress got up and smirked, the referee raised her hand and JoJo got up

"The winner of this match, via pinfall, The Huntress!" She called

Huntress slid out of the ring as her music began playing, she went through the curtain and now, it was time for a promo

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