Working With The Enemy

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"Then he turned the doorknob and they walked in only for their jaws to hit the floor when they saw......"

Dean instantly grabbed Jade's hand and pushed her slightly behind him, to keep her out of Randy's eyesight, though it didn't really help

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Dean instantly grabbed Jade's hand and pushed her slightly behind him, to keep her out of Randy's eyesight, though it didn't really help

Jade pressed her face into Dean's tank top and breathed in, he smelt of something comforting, like happiness, he smelt like happiness, love and sharp spice

Hunter looked up at them

"Sit down guys," he spoke gesturing to the chairs

They nodded and Dean guided Jade by the small of her back to the chairs

And when he sat down, he stretched his arm protectively over the back of her chair and while Triple H spoke, he kept his careful eyes on Randy

"So we were thinking, love triangle," and just like that, Dean focused on Triple H

"What?" Jade and Dean echoed each other in disbelief

Triple H looked at them funny

"Love triangle, it's this thing where there are 2 person of the same sex fighting over 1 person of the opposit-"

"We know what it is dad, why us?" Jade asked slowly, trying to mask her disbelief

"Well, the writers heard about you and Dean's relationship and we all know about your last relationship with Randy and since he's not public about his marriage yet, it's the perfect opportunity to showcase this storyline," Triple H said

Jade's line of sight went to her dad, then to a shocked Dean then to Randy and she looked back at her dad, huffed, got up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her

Dean immediately got up and followed her, he saw her walk into Seth's locker-room, he sighed in relief and walked to the door about to open it when Seth and Jade began talking

"I don't understand my dad's problem, he put me in a love triangle with Randy and Dean and it's so freaking crazy." He heard her huff

"So that means you're still confused about how you feel about Randy," Seth replied

Dean heard Jade sigh

"I mean, ever since he came back, it feels like nothing's changed," she responded

"Do you like, still love him?" Seth asked her

Jade was quiet for a few seconds then she spoke

"Yeah," she replied with a sigh

"Well, do the storyline, if you can't decide which guy you like better, maybe the storyline will help," Seth suggested

"So does this mean you don't like Dean?" Seth asked

"I mean, Dean's a great guy and I do love him, but I've had 7 beautiful years with Randy and you can't really replace it, you know?" She asked, her voice getting closer to the door

Dean wanted to move, he wanted to move so bad. But, he couldn't. His fists clenched and his body tensed as the door open and Jade raised her eyes to meet his

"Dean? Why're you crying?" She asked

He had started to cry?

Jade looked at him curious until she pieced together the parts and her eyes widened

"Dean, no baby, I didn't mean it like how it sounded, I really do love you," she said raising her hand to cup his cheeks only for him to flinch away from her and she saw his heart shatter behind his eyes and he slowly began walking backward, away from her

"Dean," she called, he let out a sob and gripped his chest, beginning to run

She sunk down the wall in a puddle of disappointment, she was disappointed in herself for hurting someone as precious as Dean

And before she knew it, she started to cry.

She let her head fall into her lap and she dissolved in a puddle of tears and regret.

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