Finally Beginning To Plan

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Jade had gotten up when the shower started this morning, she sighed when she remembered that Dean had an interview this morning.

She combed a hand through her hair and got up, she trudged downstairs after laying out Dean's clothes for him

She got into the kitchen and picked up a pan and dropped it on the stove, beginning to make an omelet and she made a WWE logo pancake that she was proud of

She needed to go to a meet and greet as well as get Dean at the interview place.

She quickly got ready, putting on a cream coloured dress, black boot heels and her black sunhat after she brushed her teeth and had a bath

She then put Dean's breakfast in a paper bag and waited for him to walk downstairs

"Am I the girl in the relationship?" He asked, smirking as he saw she was more than ready

She chuckled

"Morning baby," she said, leaning in to kiss him

"Hmm, morning cupcake," he replied, smiling at her

"We should get going now, we're really busy today," she said with a sigh

He nodded and took up his wallet, keys, cellphone and sunglasses before he walked in front

She picked up Dean's breakfast and her purse before she followed, petting Bully's head on her way out, locking the door

"Babe," she said as she got into the van

"Hmm?" He acknowledged as he began to pull into the street

"Here's your breakfast," she said showing him the brown bag, he shook his head with a fond smile

When they pulled up to the interview place, Dean and Jade got out

"Alright I'll pick you up and 10." Jade said giving him the breakfast bag and a kiss

"Love you," she said, wiping his chin lovingly

"Love you too," he replied, smiling down at her

"I'll see you later," Dean called as Jade began backing out, she honked at him and pulled off

Dean ran a hand through his hair before he pulled back on his beanie

As he waited for them to set up, he ate what Jade made for breakfast, she even put a little juice for him, he chuckled at that

When they were ready, he went over and sat down and put on his mic

About half an hour into the interview, the long awaited topic came up

"So we have a few questions about your relationship with WWE Gm, Jade Helmsley, we feel if we don't ask, we'll get beaten up." They said laughing. Dean followed

"Yeah, sure," he said smiling and adjusting his beanie

"So how would you describe your relationship?"

"Uh, really good and closed off, meaning there's nobody, absolutely nobody that could come between us, I love her, she loves me, we love each other and I'm extremely happy," he answered

"And you're engaged?" They asked, Dean nodded with a small smile playing at his lips

"And you're engaged?" They asked, Dean nodded with a small smile playing at his lips

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