Can't Stop Thinking About You Either

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Dean couldn't sleep. He counted sheep, drank water, walked down the hallways over and over like a damn creep. And twisted and turned like an upset stomach.

He sighed and turned onto his side, facing Jade. She was asleep, but somehow, she managed to roll away from her place on his chest in her sleep and sidle up on the pillow and now he was facing her

He smiled as he took in her features

Long blonde hair that he loved to kiss and tangle his hands in, always so warm and always managed to smell amazing

Her hazel-green eyes that were currently hid away from the world behind her eyelids. You could easily see every emotion she went through, if he had a choice, he wouldn't move, he would lay here forever and count the colours in her eyes, the browns, the greens, the little hint of gold, he could stare into them all day

Her nose wasn't like her dad's, thank god. It was perfectly proportional to her face and would always scrunch up if he kissed it or she was about to sneeze

Then his eyes raked lower to her lips, god. Her lips would be his undoing. The natural pink colour was warm and welcoming, but those are the right words to describe her. If she would let him he'd kiss them all day. The thin upper lip and the fuller bottom lip that was the perfect shape

He went down her body, he loved her chest, they were the perfect size, not overly big and not too small, they were bigger than his hands though and he had some pretty big hands

He loved her flat stomach that previously held his child, it had regained it's shape quickly, toned from years of hard work

Her hips were curved to perfection, moulded for his hands, they were easy to hold and when his hands found it, it was a perfect match

Her long legs, wrapped around his waist, the tanned skin contrasting with his paler one. He loved how smooth her legs always seemed to feel and how suited her feet were to wearing heels.

He loved her little toes that she became a giggling mess when he tickled them

He loved her hands, and her fingers, so much so that when she wrapped her hands with his, he didn't want to be anywhere else

He loved how graceful and caring she was, worrying about everyone before even thinking bout herself, how she could hold her liquor and still manage to wake up without a hangover

He loved the way she cooked, her food always reminded him of home. A feeling he hadn't known until he met her

He loved how she was with DJ, loved the way she said "I love you" and she'd smile

He loved how she'd just get so excited about something and her eyes would light up

He loved how infectious her smile was. How beautiful and priceless it was. When she smiled, you'd have to smile and know that you're special. Dean would crawl to the ends of the earth, brawl an alien, curse out god if it would keep that beautiful smile on her face

He loved her mind, she was so level headed and organized and would always give something two thoughts before she jumped into anything

How passionate she was whether in the bedroom or just everyday life. She generally was energetic and had a zeal for everything.

She was truly beautiful, he'd never admit these things to her, instead he'd always say "I love you" or "you're so beautiful" but he would never go into detail, because if he did, she'd never let him hear the end of it, always making fun of him. But he'd live with it, plus there was no doubt in his mind she knew what he thought of her and she knew how beautiful he thought she was

He continued his thinking. What would he do without her? He had enough knowledge to raise DJ but there was no way he was going bra shopping. And he wasn't exactly the most sympathetic or soft hearted guy and he was sure he would end up beating some punk guy who pulled anything on DJ then he'd go to jail and then who'd look after Bully and DJ, he just couldn't stop thinking about Ja-

"You think too loud," an angelic voice said

He froze. Oh no, he woke her up.

"I'm sorry babe, didn't mean to wake you up," he replied

She just hummed and took his hand in hers, guiding it to rest on her waist and she scooted closer to him, so they could practically hear each other's heartbeat

"Go to sleep love, I'm right here." She whispered, cuddling into his neck, in the space under his chin

"Thank you for being here." He whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair

"Love you," she said, smushed against his skin

"I love you too." He replied, rubbing her waist through her top

"And for the record, I can't stop thinking about you either," she said and pressed some light kisses to his neck

And the feeling of her lips on his skin lulled him to sleep, she followed right after

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