Impending Divorce?

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So when Jade had spoken to Maryse, they realized Nattie was in Vegas to, they decided to call her and ask if she was free for a little brunch, and thankfully, she was. So Jade was getting ready, seeing Dean lying on the bed and DJ asleep on his chest while he had an arm around her small body, protectively holding her, just like he would, Jade, she smiled at that and finished brushing her hair

"Baby," she whispered, going over to where he was, watching a football game

"Hmm," he hummed quietly

"I'm leaving now, I'll see you at around 1?" She said, leaning down to kiss him

"Can Mike come over?" He asked, right before her lips pressed against his

She looked at him

"Of course sweetie," she replied, pecking his lips one more time before she got her purse

"I'll see you okay, I love you," she said going back to kiss his forehead

"Love you too," Dean replied, closing his eyes and smiling as her lips pressed against his forehead

"And I love you too DJ," she said, quieter before she leaned down and slowly and softly kissed her sleeping daughter's forehead

She pinched Dean's cheek and walked out, Dean smiled as he heard her heeled shoes hitting the steps as she walked

"Bye Dean!" She called before the door closed

He shook his head fondly and shot Mike a text

Maryse, Nattie and Jade had met up at a cake shop, deciding to do some shopping before they went for lunch

"Excuse me," Maryse said, looking at a store clerk

"Can you take a picture of us?" She asked, the clerk nodded and took Jade's phone, taking the picture, Jade smiled at the picture when she got her phone back, and opened her instagram

"Can you take a picture of us?" She asked, the clerk nodded and took Jade's phone, taking the picture, Jade smiled at the picture when she got her phone back, and opened her instagram

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@JadeWWE Blonde&Beautiful #Reunite Love these two babes @natbynature @marysemizanin 💘👭 

Jade, Maryse and Nattie sampled all the cakes, feeling very happy to be in each other's company again. They had always been the best of friends

Then they decided to finally leave for the café

Maryse had to fix her heel strap so Nattie went ahead to get their table while Jade hung back with Maryse

Then they walked in together

"So you're still friends with Randal yes?" Maryse asked

"Oh yeah, he's like my best friend right now," Jade replied, both of them looking at where Nattie was waving them over

"Oh yeah, he's like my best friend right now," Jade replied, both of them looking at where Nattie was waving them over

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"So did you hear he's getting a divorce from Kim?" She asked her

Jade's eyes widened and she stepped in front of Maryse

"Are you being serious?" She asked, face contorting into a worried, face

"Yeah, John was trying to advise him but you know Randal only listens to you these years," Maryse said

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"Yeah, John was trying to advise him but you know Randal only listens to you these years," Maryse said

"But he didn't wanna tell you, cuz he knows what you'll say," Maryse elaborated

Jade sighed and Maryse excused herself to the washroom, Jade shivered as a cold feeling washed over her and she put on her jacket, watching as Nattie tied her hair half up

Jade went and sat down, her peaceful feeling leaving

"What's wrong babe?" Nattie asked, drinking some coffee as they looked through the menu

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"What's wrong babe?" Nattie asked, drinking some coffee as they looked through the menu

"Randy's getting another divorce," Jade replied

"You're kidding, geez, that boy needs to settle his tea kettle," Nattie said, making Jade chuckle, Maryse came back out and sat down, taking up her cup

"I should talk to him right?" She asked both of them

"Definitely," Maryse said, nodding

"Of course, talk some sense into that boy," Nattie said, sipping her coffee, Jade nodded and took out her phone

Smackdown was in Vegas on Friday, which means Randy and the roster would be here on Thursday. She smiled and tapped his message icon and sent a message

Randy was with his lawyer when his phone played his message tone, he excused himself and looked at the message

From: Kiddo
Don't do anything stupid, we need to talk. Coffee Thursday?
Randy sighed, knowing she heard about his impending divorce, he tapped reply

Jade's phone vibrated and she slid the message notification

From: Viper💜🐍
I ain't changing my mind about it. But yes, to the coffee! 😁☕

Jade shook her head and shot him a quick "okay" before she continued enjoying her lunch with her friends

Meanwhile Dean and Mike had been watching some football while DJ went to daycare. They loved having her around but they knew they just wanted her to be social and have friends before she started school, so making friends wouldn't be too hard for her. And she loved it.

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