It's About DJ

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Jade grinned as 3 knocks sounded against the front door and 2 sets of excited feet hit the stairs on the way down

"Dad's here! Dad's here!" Jon and David chorused as they ran and opened the door

"Boys!" She heard Dean shout excitedly as she wiped her hands on the kitchen towel and went out to greet her husband of 19 years

"There's a new pair of skateboards in my bag, go check them out," Dean said as Jade came into view and his smile widened as he saw her

The boys excitedly ran to the bags while Jade approached Dean

"Hi beautiful,"  he said, grinning at her

"Hello my love," she replied, leaning in to kiss him

"I missed you." She admitted

"I missed you more," he replied, kissing her forehead

"Sup dad," DJ acknowledged on her way out the door

Dean smiled, unknowingly at her and then turned back to Jade, kissing her nose this time

Jade faked a smile and looked up into Dean's eyes

"It's been a long time since I had a one on one night with my wife. Let's go for dinner tonight huh," he asked, kissing Jade's lips repeatedly

"Sounds awesome." Jade replied, smiling

-Later That Day-

Jade smiled as Dean opened the car door for her and helped her out

After so many years together, they were still stupidly in love

"You look so beautiful, lemme get a picture of you Jay," Dean said, taking his phone out and taking a picture

"You look so beautiful, lemme get a picture of you Jay," Dean said, taking his phone out and taking a picture

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@DeanAmbrose So happy to be back home and have this beautiful girl all to myself. I love you😍😍 @JadeAmbrose

Dean took Jade's hand and led her into the restaurant where she had to get a picture for her instagram

@JadeAmbrose Finally getting a date with my husband and these incredible shrimp😂🍤Love you sweetie🍬 @DeanAmbrose

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@JadeAmbrose Finally getting a date with my husband and these incredible shrimp😂🍤
Love you sweetie🍬 @DeanAmbrose

"So we need to talk," Jade began, looking at where she and Dean held hands over the table

"About?" Dean asked, biting into his chicken

"It's about DJ," Jade said

Dean sighed and looked at her as he swallowed the chicken in his mouth

"When I married you, you promised me you'll always love and spend time with our family, but since DJ turned 15 you've been keeping your distance from her, it makes her feel like you don't love her anymore, when you're around the boys, I fall in love with you all over, but when you're with DJ it's like you're not the man I married all those years ago." Jade said

She didn't want to get involved but she had remembered going through this with her own dad and she remembered she had hated her dad because of it. She didn't want the same for her daughter and husband

Dean didn't reply, just sighed and continued eating. Jade changed to a lighter topic and Dean was back to normal, but Jade couldn't help but think about what was going on in Dean's mind but she'd just have to wait and find out.

Author's Note


Not for very long tho. My life is still as busy as can be and I hate it. But every day I'm able, I'll update my books. I promise. Please bear with me until.

Hope you guys like my books and continue showing this incredible support you've been showing. 🤗😇

Love you guys😘



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