Las Vegas Here We Come

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It was two days before Jade's birthday and with everything going on in WWE, she couldn't stay, she'd be back but she just wanted a peaceful day at home on her birthday with her family, friends and Dean.

But she needed to talk to her dad about getting some time off so she walked to her dad's office and knocked

"Come in," she heard and she entered

"Oh hey baby girl," her dad said with a smile as he got up to hug her

"Hey, do Dean and I got anything to do this coming week end?" She asked, twiddling her fingers

"Uhhh," he stretched looking at his papers

"No, I'm not seeing any bookings why?" He asked looking up at her

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"No, I'm not seeing any bookings why?" He asked looking up at her

"I wanted some time off with Dean for my birthday," she explained

"Oh well yeah sure, you're coming to Connecticut or are we heading to Vegas?" He asked signing their time off sheet

"I really don't wanna fly more than necessary, so can you guys come to Vegas?" She asked, taking the pages from him

"Of course babe," he replied

"Alright, thanks dad," she said before she left

She then went over to Dean's locker room

"Hi love," she said with a smile

Dean looked up

"Hey baby," he said walking over and kissing her forehead

"What's up?" He asked licking his lips

"I got time off from dad so we could go home for my birthday weekend," she told him with a smile as she rested both hands on his chest

"That's great baby," he said with a broad smile kissing her hair 3 times

"So we're leaving tonight?" She asked, he nodded

"Yeah, just let me finish packing," he said with a ruffle of her hair

She nodded and sat down, beginning to ramble as Dean simply smiled and nodded at appropriate moments

"Ready?" He asked putting his bag on the floor, she nodded and he went to change his clothes as she went to her office for her bag.

A hour later they were finally in customs and Dean looked at her when she had her phone out. Bad idea. Since she thought he was the most handsome man that god ever created

 Since she thought he was the most handsome man that god ever created

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JadeWWE Going home with this goof 💖😘 See you in Vegas babayy! ✌✌

They got onto the plane and were on their way to Vegas. Jade spent the whole ride, lying on Dean's shoulder asleep, while his head rested on hers, asleep.

When they finally got to Vegas, it was nearly 7am the next morning and she asked Dean to take a picture of her for her instagram

When they finally got to Vegas, it was nearly 7am the next morning and she asked Dean to take a picture of her for her instagram

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JadeWWE So glad to be back home, can't wait to be in my home💪👑

She sighed as Dean opened the door to their home

She smiled and threw herself on the couch

Dean chuckled as he brought their luggage in

"Tired?" He asked amused

"Extremely," she drawled as she put her arms out

"Come cuddle with me," she whined, smiling but still with a slight pout

And really, how could Dean refuse her? He couldn't.

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