Author's Note

1.2K 19 31

You're gonna like this one!! 😏😏
As you all know, I love being interactive with you all, gives me purpose. Sooooo.

As a little thank you for getting this book to 66K....

(And also realizing I didn't really give you alot of insight about




•Randy and Jade's relationship

•Jade's relationship with her dad

Dean's relationship with his mom

•Dean's relationship with his in-laws

•Jade's insight as to how she felt growing up with out parents

Those are some ideas^^

I'm gonna be doing a chapter later, which will be an interview with Jade. So any questions you may have about anything (related to the story) I'll be answering

So please, please, please, please with WWE Championships on top, comment and ask me some questions yo. 👏👏❤

I'll answer all questions. Could be anything, as long as it's related to the book sooooooo get to workkkk!!! 💪💀👅

And exactly 8 hours from now, the chapter will be up, so get to it!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏆



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