He Finally Sees

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Jade hadn't got done showing off her ring when they got married. It was just insane how much love she got from everyone backstage.
She was just showing Nikki

"Girl, damn that ring is gorgeous! You're so lucky and he's so lucky awwh, I'm so happy for you!" She said giving Jade a hug

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"Girl, damn that ring is gorgeous! You're so lucky and he's so lucky awwh, I'm so happy for you!" She said giving Jade a hug

Next Jade went to where she saw Dean, Roman and Seth at a table in catering and immediately went over

"Hi boys," she said sitting on Dean's lap making him smile and press a kiss to her neck

"Hey wifey," Dean replied

"Hi Jade," the other two chorused
"I can't believe loony bird over here finally popped the question." Seth said laughing

Roman chuckled while Dean shot Seth a look

"Me too, but I'm glad he did." She told Seth with a smile

"But hey, congrats you guys," Roman said raising his water bottle which we all followed

Dean and I needed to do a sit down interview with Michael Cole, so they went to the room and sat down

"So Dean, Jade, recently you both dropped a bomb on us when you revealed that you were engaged, destined to be wedded, now how did that go?" Michael asked

As soon as he brought up their engagement, both of them had smiles on their faces

"Well obviously we're really happy and Dean proposed to me in the cutest way possible, and I love him so I said yes," she said pecking Dean's lips

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"Well obviously we're really happy and Dean proposed to me in the cutest way possible, and I love him so I said yes," she said pecking Dean's lips

"Yeah I mean, she's the first girl I've ever loved so obviously I'm gonna jump the chance to be on one knee," Dean replied

"May we get a unfiltered view of the ring?" Michael asked

Jade nodded and raised her hand

"Very beautiful," Michael said then proceeded to ask Jade about Brock Lesnar

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"Very beautiful," Michael said then proceeded to ask Jade about Brock Lesnar

"So Jade what's your strategy going into this match with Brock Lesnar? Cuz obviously he could overpower you with a height and weight advantage, so what's your plan?" He asked

Jade sighed

"Well everything you said is true but one thing I have that Brock doesn't, is heart. I actually care about these people in these seats, and I'm not fighting for only myself, I'm fighting for the honour of my fiancé and my family and that's all the motivation I need to kick Brock Lesnar's ass." She said

Michael thanked them for sitting with him, they replied and now they were on the way to Jade's dad

When they got there, both Dean and Jade were rushed in a hug by both Triple H and Steph

"Ohh, congratulations my girl," her dad said, squeezing her tight

She chuckled and hugged him back

Later she was walking alone down a corridor when a tattooed hand yanked her into a broom closet, before she could scream, she caught sight of her captor

"Randy?" She asked, squinting to make him out through the poor lighting

"What the hell? I just heard you're marrying Ambrose," he growled then cringed

"I am, though how is that your business?" She asked snarkily

"How could you do this to me?" He asked and for the first time, she raised her hand and slapped him as hard as possible, he braced himself on the wall

"You seem to have a bad memory but hey, at least I didn't marry someone else, while I was with you. I want you to leave me alone Randal, I can't go through this again, you were unfaithful to more than one woman and I can't be apart of that again. So just leave me alone. I love Dean, more than I've ever loved you. And I don't need you, nor do I want you around me or my husband, I hate you Randy," she spat, walking out, not looking back

Randy slid down the wall, tears in his eyes as he held his head and few tears slipped down his face

And that's when he realized, maybe it was time to let go and let Jade seek happiness

Author's Note

What did you guys think? 👄



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