Explanation Time

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Jade bit her lip as Dean came into view in the corridor

Jade bit her lip as Dean came into view in the corridor

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They both slowed as they came into each other's orbit.

"Hi." They said at the same time

They both looked at their feet and smiled, then they unconsciously moved closer together.

"Can we-" they both started and smiled, chuckling

"You first." She said

He smiled and opened his mouth

"What's going on between us?" He asked she sighed

"What do you mean?" She asked

"You know what I'm speaking about." He said folding his arms and leaning his hip against a crate

"Okay, I feel weird around you now." She admitted

He smirked and moved closer

"Weird hmm?" He smiled resting his hand on her waist.

She looked at his hand then looked at his eyes and slowly her smile turned into a lip bite.

"Dean," she whispered

"Yeah?" He asked smiling cutely

"Your eyes aren't one color," she said, Dean looked at her weirdly

"Their blue and green and a hint of grey," she said training her gaze on him

He smiled

"Yeah, uh..." He paused

"They are beautiful." She said tilting her head and moving closer to him

He closed his eyes and began leaning towards her.

She smiled and let her hand caress his hair as his taped wrists circled her waist

Just as their lips were about to meet

"Jade!" A banshee screamed making Jade and Dean jump apart

Jade swiveled angrily seeing Stephanie McMahon, the banshee herself, standing there with a stern look on her face

"Your on in 5 minutes." Stephanie informed before she stomped off

When Jade turned back to Dean, he had the cutest blush on his cheeks and he was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck

"Sorry." They both said at the same time

"Its fine, you need to go. I'll see you around," Dean said looking at his wrists where he wrote "Risk Taker" and he leaned in and pecked Jade's cheek before he turned and ran off making Jade touch her cheek and smile fondly

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