The FairyTale

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Jade sighed as she walked around the place where they were staying this week, she was currently in her hotel room, making dinner when her phone chimed signalling she had a text

She sighed and walked over to where it was on the table and picked it up

Message From: My Lunatic💪❤

She felt her eyes water as she pressed the notification and it opened

Hey Jade

So I've been thinking a lot about what happened the last time we hung out and I think we have a lot to talk about and I'd much rather talk to you in person. I think this talk is really necessary. I hope to see you at the old junkyard pretty close to my house, you know the one, I'll be there at 6, if you wanna see me. -Dean

She stopped and reread that text over and over. She couldn't believe it. Dean actually wanted to see her, after everything. It was a miracle!

She looked at the clock and decided to get ready now.

When she had taken a bath and gotten ready it was 5:33pm and Dean's house was a bit far so she left right then and there

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When she had taken a bath and gotten ready it was 5:33pm and Dean's house was a bit far so she left right then and there.

She pulled up close to Dean's house and sighed as she began walking to the junkyard, her combat boots crunching the gravel beneath them

Her breath hitched as he came into view

She slowly approached and he heard her coming and raised his eyes to meet hers

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She slowly approached and he heard her coming and raised his eyes to meet hers

"Hey," he said leaning away from the car as she walked up to him

"You look beautiful," he said, she smiled

"So, I've been thinking about this thing with Randy," he began

She opened her mouth to say something and he put up his hand and she instantly shut it again

"Just, listen," he spoke

She nodded

"I've been thinking about this thing with Randy and it's wrong of me to be angry at you, but surely you understand why I was," he said, she nodded

"And I just was angry that you thought it was better to discuss this with Seth, rather than come to me directly and say you still love Randy or that you didn't wanna be with me anymore, I'm an understanding guy," he spoke, she just listened

"And I really do love you. That's the only thing I'm sure of right now and as crazy as it may sound, I'm still so in love with you and I don't think I'll be getting over you anytime soon, but if you want to be with Randy, I won't stop you," he said before he took her face in his hands

"I just want you to be happy." He said

Jade looked at him

"Can I speak now?" She asked, he nodded

"Yes. I do love Randy, he was my first love and maybe I do still consider him as my friend but I was never gonna break up with you Dean, I love Randy, sure, but I'm in love with you and those are two completely different things. Sometimes I'm a little stupid and I can admit that. But I'm not so stupid that I was gonna break up with someone who means everything to me because I was a little confused as to what Randy meant to me. After all the trouble Roman and Seth took to get us together, you think I'd give you up?" She said as she began shaking her head

"No. I wouldn't," she elaborated

Dean looked at her and smiled then it dropped

"Wait, you knew about Seth and Roman's plan?" He asked

Jade chuckled and nodded

"Of course, getting you to annoy me so much I began finding you charming and then they talked the writers and dad into putting me and you in a romantic storyline so I'd find you attractive, good plan, cuz it worked," she said with a shrug

"How'd you know?" He asked her
"Seth's gotta pretty big mouth when he's excited." She admitted

Dean chuckled then looked at her
"So you're not leaving me for Orton?" He asked

She shook her head, negatively

"Wouldn't dream of it." She said

"So are we back together?" She asked

Dean chuckled

"We never broke up." He laughed before he scooped her into his arms and kissed her.

She smiled against his lips and this was the first time everything was going right, it felt like a fairytale.

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