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Jade found herself with Paige in the ring, again but this time, Paige called her out and that didn't set too well with Jade. 

"last week, Jade threatened me! And I want to know if she's got a death wish, I follow my own rules so Jade, get your ass out here!" Paige said in her thick accent 

A few seconds of silence passed before Bo$$ by Fifth Harmony started playing and about 30 seconds passed before Jade made her appearance 

A few seconds of silence passed before Bo$$ by Fifth Harmony started playing and about 30 seconds passed before Jade made her appearance 

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Jade sighed and made her way down the ramp and into the ring 

"You called?" Jade asked snarkily 

"You threatened me last week," Paige said, Jade nodded not entirely seeing where this was going 

"And I want you to know that's the first mistake you made," Paige said, dropping the mic and taking off her jacket 

Jade smiled and pushed her tongue into her bottom lip and took two steps 

"You know, I've had to teach some people respect in my years, but I've never met a disrespectful bitch like you, and I will not allow myself to stoop to your disgusting level, so sorry to say, but your attempt was futile," Jade said leaning against the rope and smiling sarcastically 

Paige got in Jade's face 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked 

The smile dropped from Jade's face and she raised the mic to her lips and squinted 

"I want to let you know, you just made a mistake, and for your records, I'm Jade Helmsley, princess of the WWE, one of the best female talents of all time and Paige, frankly, I'm your freaking boss and you will show me some freaking respect." Jade cut making the vein in her neck pop and the crowd rally for her

Paige backed off and nodded and turned around only to turn and try to sneak attack Jade and out of pure instinct Jade jumped and launched an RKO on Paige and as Paige's body connected with the mat, Jade's eyes widened 

She just performed her ex-boyfriend's move in the middle of the ring. She could hear Jerry and Michael from where she was on her knees

"Did Jade use Orton's RKO?!" Michael asked 

"What the hell? Was that an RKO?" Jerry asked 

Jade shook her head and confidently stood up and took up her dropped mic and she bent over Paige 

"I hope this was a lesson to you, don't tempt the boss, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into," Jade said throwing the mic on Paige before she marched out of the ring and up the ramp, mentally scolding herself 

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