The Other Woman

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Dean and Jade were together in the weight room, just making small talk as well as working out

They weren't alone, John, Seth, Roman, Miz and Randy were here as well as some divas like Nattie, Tamina and Naomi

Jade was talking about her upcoming promo when she heard an all to familiar laugh, she turned her head seeing Randy and John talking, the former laughing at a joke, John made but it was the person in front the mirror that caught Jade's attention

Jade was talking about her upcoming promo when she heard an all to familiar laugh, she turned her head seeing Randy and John talking, the former laughing at a joke, John made but it was the person in front the mirror that caught Jade's attention

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"Whose that?" She asked Dean with a frown

Dean hmmed before he followed her eyes

"Oh, that's Randy's wife, that's Kim." He told her, drinking some Gatorade

Her eyes widened

'That's Kim?! She's pregnant?'

She sighed and decided to be a big girl

"I'll be right back," she said and pecked Dean's cheek, before she slid off and walked over to her

"Hi, I'm Jade," she said, putting out her hand, fully knowing Randy's eyes were on her

"I'm Kim," she replied smiling and returning the handshake

"What're you having?" Jade asked

"A girl," Kim replied smiling

Jade nodded and they talked a little before Jade walked back to where Dean was

Jade nodded and they talked a little before Jade walked back to where Dean was

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"Did you talk to her?" Dean asked standing up to give her a kiss

She nodded before their lips met

"She's sweet," Jade said smiling as Dean looked down at her

"You're too damn tall," she joked playfully

"You're just tiny," he told her

"Well sorry I can't be 6"2," she told him

He chuckled

"6"4 actually," he said

Jade playfully rolled her eyes and went into the ring and stretched before she dropped in a split

Jade playfully rolled her eyes and went into the ring and stretched before she dropped in a split

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She grinned as Dean wolf-whistled

She stood up and walked over to the turnbuckle and grinned at him

"C'mon pretty boy, get in here, let's wrestle," she told him

He rubbed his collar bone

"With clothes on?" He asked smirking, Jade gasped

"Babe!" She squealed, he laughed and rolled into the ring with a cocky smirk

"Sethy, come ref for us," she called Seth chuckled and came over to us

"Ding, ding, ding," Roman sounded and Jade grabbed Dean in a chokehold and his hand went to her ass and she squealed

"Dean," she warned, backflipping and grabbing him in an armbar

He rolled her unto her back and covered her, she pushed him off and locked in a sleeper hold but she wasn't locking in any pressure so she was easily hip tossed to the side, he took her on his shoulders and began spinning
"Deeann!!" She squealed laughing and holding onto him tight, she squirmed out of his hold and locked in Suicide Bridge

"Shit, that hurts," he called

Seth came over

"Ambrose, do you wanna quit?" Seth asked jokingly

"Yeah I quit," Dean said with a laugh and Jade let go and sat on his back

"Love youuu." She said kissing his cheek

"Love you more you little firecracker," Dean said rubbing his knee

"And your winner, Jade!" Seth called raising her hand, she chuckled

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