The Date And The Proposal

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Jade got ready for her date with Dean and felt butterflies in her stomach, she felt absolutely, blissfully happy. And she looked amazing

There was a knock on her door and she contained her squeal as she raced to the door and then she composed herself and smiled before she pulled open the door

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There was a knock on her door and she contained her squeal as she raced to the door and then she composed herself and smiled before she pulled open the door

Dean stood there in a blue sweatshirt, reasonably tight jeans and some cute shoes, obviously his leather jacket was thrown over, he cleaned up well and he smelt downright amazing

Dean stood there in a blue sweatshirt, reasonably tight jeans and some cute shoes, obviously his leather jacket was thrown over, he cleaned up well and he smelt downright amazing

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"You look amazing," he said wrapping his arms around Jade's waist, Jade bit her lip and leaned in for a kiss, smiling when she got it

"Ready gorgeous?" He asked putting out his arm, she grinned and took it

He had taken her to a decent restaurant but she was glad because she didn't like fancy, she never knew it so she didn't like it, the night was filled with stolen food, glances, kisses and tender touches

When they were eating, Dean suddenly paused and looked at her

"You know I love you right?" He asked

Jade paused and looked at him

"Of course, and I love you to," she said leaning over the table to peck his lips

"You going to Hall of Fame tomorrow?" He asked spinning his fork in his pasta before he glanced at Jade

She nodded

"Don't have a date," she said with a smug smirk

"Which reminds me," he paused, taking out a rose from his jacket pocket, the stem was cut short

He looked at the rose then at her and went down on one knee

"Jade Helmsley, will you go to the Hall of Fame with me?" He asked smiling and gesturing to the rose

She pretended she was thinking

"Nah," she said nonchalantly, going back to her food and Dean's face fell

"Just kidding puddin," she said throwing her arms around his neck

"Of course," she said kissing his lips

He smiled and resumed his seat before taking the rose and sticking the rose behind her ear and then took her hand and held it over the table, entwining their fingers

"Love you." Dean said

Jade smiled

"Love you too babe." She replied giving his hand a squeeze then comfortingly rubbing his hand

After dinner, they decided to go on a walk

They had made it to the end of the pier when Dean turned her to him

"I love you," he said for what felt like the 6th time that day

She nodded with a chuckle

"I know, and I love you too," she laughed

"Close your eyes," he demanded she looked at him crazily

"Just, do it, please," he persuaded

She rolled her eyes playfully, but closed them anyway

Dean took a deep breath and took the 2nd surprise out of his pocket.

He walked behind her and rested the chain against her neck and clasped the hook behind her neck  and then walked back in front of her

"Open them," he permitted, she did as told and her hand went to her neck that now held a gold chain

"Open them," he permitted, she did as told and her hand went to her neck that now held a gold chain

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"What is it?" She asked smiling

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"It's the key to my heart," he replied smiling

Jade felt everything melt

He grabbed the hand that was holding the pendant

"As long as you wear this chain, I'll love you and if you take it off, I'll still love you," he said making her chuckle

"I love you too, you're the sweetest," she said wrapping him in a hug before she pressed her lips to his with a smile

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