Frustratedly Snapping

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Jade sighed as her dad, mom and Dean were on the couch, watching a football game

Jade was so frustrated right now, Dean was not suspended, thank god but this was horrible, it's not okay right now, DJ had to start kindergarten soon so Jade had to start shopping for her kid's school gear, Dean and her five year anniversary of being married was coming up soon too, so she needed to plan that, Nikki's wedding, was also coming up, she was a Maid of Honour and she had a hand to play just like Nikki did, then this whole situation with Seth so yes, she was a bit on edge, not that you could blame her

"Babe, can you bring me a beer?" Dean asked

Jade huffed and went into the fridge grabbing a Budweiser and walking into the living room and handing it to Dean

She walked back into the kitchen and began to make the stuffing for the turkey, just when her dad called

"Sweetie, can you clean this up, please?" He asked, Jade closed her eyes and quickly breathed in and out to calm herself before she forcedly smiled and walked out, quickly wiping the guacamole that fell on her hardwood floor, walking back into the kitchen, and throwing the towel in the bin and continuing with her breading

She sighed as her back tightened, she felt the tension all over her body right now

"Sweetie, is everything alright?" Stephanie asked, coming in

Jade smiled at her, hoping she'd leave

"I'm fine," she replied

"Are you sure? I could take over here if you're tired," she offered but Jade shook her head

"No mom, it's fine okay, you're our guests, just let me do it," she brushed off

"Babe, let me help you," Stephanie insisted, grabbing the bowl of breading

"Mom, no." Jade said, pulling the bowl back towards her

"Jade just let me help," Stephanie said, yanking the bowl back to herself

"Goddammit, stop, I don't want your help, just get out of my kitchen!" Jade demanded, putting the bowl down and pointing to the living room, Stephanie sighed and raised her hand in defense before she retreated to the living room

Jade put her palms on the counter and huffed a piece of her blonde hair off her face

"What happened to you cupcake?" Dean asked, walking into the kitchen and sitting down, smiling at Jade

"What happened to you cupcake?" Dean asked, walking into the kitchen and sitting down, smiling at Jade

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She sighed

"I'm so frustrated, with everything," she admitted, feeling stress tears flood her eyes

Dean gave her a sympathetic look and got up, going to her side and wrapping his arms around her, she gave a few sniffles into his Jersey as he rested his head against hers

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay, I promise, and I'll help you anyway I can, okay?" He asked, rubbing her back

He felt her nod against his chest and he smiled, kissing her hair

Everything was gonna be okay. He was gonna make sure of it.

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