Perfect To Me

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Jade had her dress for her ESPYS red carpet and she was sitting at her vanity, with her mascara brush while Dean sat, watching her while a baseball game was playing

Dean got up and walked over to her, leaning against the vanity, Jade looked up and smiled at him, as she picked up her highlighter, only for Dean to snatch it from her hands, making her gasp

"Dean, give it back," she hissed

"You don't need this shit on your face, you're already the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Dean said, holding it high above her head

"Dean," she whined

"Jade," he replied, still holding it out of her reach

She tiptoed but even at 5'9, nearly 6'0, Dean was still alot taller than her, especially since she was barefooted

"Jade, stop, you don't need all this shit on your face baby," he told her

Jade smirked, formulating a plan in her head

"You're right," she said, hand on the back of his neck, playing with the hair she found there

He smiled at her as he thought she'd finally won. Jade smirked, leaning into him, tilting her head, she reached centimeters to his face and stopped

"I love you baby, but no matter how sexy you look, in your sweatpants with your beautiful curls on your forehead, I always win," she whispered, yanking the highlighter from his hands, giving him a brief kiss and sat back down at her vanity

Dean huffed and stood behind her, folding his arms, looking sadly at her

She tried to ignore his big blue eyes and sweet little pout on his lips as she applied her red lipstick, but it was impossible, he looked so sad, she sighed and put the lipstick down, turning to him
"What's up with you?" She asked

"You're so beautiful Jade, I hate that you think you need makeup to impress some nobodies or to feel beautiful, you're amazing Jade, I love you so much," Dean said

Jade cooed and got up, sitting on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as his wrapped around her waist

"I love you too baby, but I like my makeup, I don't wear it for anybody, I wear it for myself, makes me feel independent," she replied

"But you're so goddamn sweet, and perfect and I do know how beautiful I am, because you, remind me every day, I love you," she said, pecking his lips twice

"I love you too," he replied, letting her up to finish her makeup

"How do I look?" She asked, turning around and twirling for Dean to see her entire look

"Hmm," Dean began, standing up and making a walk around her

"You look so beautiful. But, I still think the dress would look better on the floor," he smirked, resting his hand on her ass

"Save all that for when I get back, I'll see you later," she said, pecking his lips a few times before she kissed DJ's forehead as she coloured in her princess book

Jade smiled slightly as she posed on the red carpet

Jade smiled slightly as she posed on the red carpet

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She smiled as Nikki walked over to her

"Hey coco," Nikki said, hugging her

They spoke a little before they took a selfie

@JadeWWE Met this queen today at the @espys Missed you so much @thenikkibella 💘👑👭

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@JadeWWE Met this queen today at the @espys Missed you so much @thenikkibella 💘👑👭

They spoke a little about preparations for Nikki's wedding and Jade's maid of honour dress that she needed to discuss with Brie, and then they went their separate ways for the rest of the evening

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