The Plan Begins

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Jade walked through the catering doors with her sister in her arms

"Hey Jade, what can I do for you?" Asked Gena, the lady who worked behind the counter in catering

"Hey Gena, um, 1 red velvet cupcake and a chocolate extreme," she said

When she got what she wanted, they went to a table and she handed the chocolate cupcake to her sister and began eating the red velvet.

"Can we sit here?" Dean asked holding hands with Renee Young

Jade stared at their hands but Vaughn knew Dean and nodded her head excitedly

To be honest, right now, Jade felt really uncomfortable

"So what's up Jade?" Dean asked smiling at her

Jade looked at him

"Nothing much," she replied and they fell in awkward silence

She excused herself and took up Vaughn and walked away.

Dean sighed and let go of Renee's hand

"I'm sorry bud," she said Dean shook his head

When he ran into Seth and Roman later in the night, he told them everything

"The plan failed," he informed them

"There's one more chance." Roman said beginning to tell them his plan

"Never leave her side." Seth elaborated Roman nodded and Dean planned it out in his head

Meanwhile, Jade sat against her door and sighed

"Why was she so uncomfortable when she saw Dean and Renee?"

"Why did her skin erupt in flames whenever Dean touched her?"

"Why did one look into Dean's eyes had her asking for him to kiss her?"

She knew the answer. But she didn't want to accept it

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