Contract Signing Ends In Hell

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Bo$$ hit and Jade stepped out of the curtain and walked down the ramp, a positive look on her face

She was here to sign this contract and tame the beast. She was ready.

She waved at some fans and climbed up the ring steps and went over to the table with a confident look. She looked at the contract and then turned around and went to get a mic

She waited a few minutes and sighed when she didn't see Brock. Then she raised the mic to her lips

"What's the sitch Brock? You afraid of little old me?" She putting her mic down with a smile

"What's the sitch Brock? You afraid of little old me?" She putting her mic down with a smile

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Brock still didn't come so she shouted

"BROCK LESN-" she didn't finish when his music started and 3 seconds passed before Paul Heyman walked out, by himself

"Hold on, hold on," Jade began and the music stopped and Paul stood, confused

"I don't want you in this ring bald rat," she said pointing at him with a stern look

"I don't want you in this ring bald rat," she said pointing at him with a stern look

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"I want the beast," she said, making the fans cheer

"I want... Brock Lesnar, and I want him right now." She said with an authoritative voice

"Ask and you shall receive." Paul said with a smirk as the theme hit again and he walked out to the booing of the fans

He did his jump and came face to face with her and smirked

"My client has already signed this contract." Paul said

Jade nodded and walked over to it before Paul stopped her

"Before you do that, we have some conditions...if you want the beast, you have to accept," Paul said

Jade hesitated but nodded

"Great, first we have a contract for daddy dearest and for your little boy toy," he said

Jade growled

"Oh don't growl pup. It just states that neither Triple H or Dean Ambrose can interfere before or during the match, meaning they can't be at ringside during the match," Paul said

Jade nodded

"Good so get them out here to sign the contract," Paul said opening the folder

Dean's theme hit, then H's began after

Jade looked as they both stepped into the ring

"Sign first Mr. COO," Paul taunted

Her dad growled and flung Paul on the table before putting the folder on his chest and scribbling his signature while Brock just looked on

Her dad growled and flung Paul on the table before putting the folder on his chest and scribbling his signature while Brock just looked on

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"Just cuz I don't like you," he said into his mic before he dropped it and stood against the turnbuckle

Brock grinned as Dean scribbled his signature next then he reached over and slapped Jade making her tumble to the ground and hold her face, Hunter ran over to her and helped her up while Dean gave Brock the "crazy look" and Brock just smirked

Brock grinned as Dean scribbled his signature next then he reached over and slapped Jade making her tumble to the ground and hold her face, Hunter ran over to her and helped her up while Dean gave Brock the "crazy look" and Brock just smirked

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Dean went after Brock but was tossed over the top rope

Her dad followed as he tried to pedigree Brock

Jade had recovered from the slap and had roughly turned Brock around, she mounted him, reigning punch after punch on his face, he quickly slid out of the ring

Jade angrily stood up and pulled down her skirt to where it was and walked over and signed the contract

"Hey brick face. You put your hands on my family, I'm gonna break you bitch," she said with a look of disgust before she signed and threw the contract at Brock

She then walked with Dean and her dad up the ramp

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