It Can't Be! He's Back?

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Jade stood in her office with her pay sheets when she heard Smackdown come back on air. She looked up and then down, then her head snapped back up

What in the Sam hill?!

"Next on Smackdown, the Viper Randy Orton returns

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"Next on Smackdown, the Viper Randy Orton returns." JBL announced

It Can't Be!

He's back?!

Jade's eyes widened as she stood up and ran out of her office and started banging down John Cena's door

"What?" He said as he opened it

"Randy's back." Jade said on the verge of a panic attack

John gasped and hugged Jade while she tried to calm down

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay." John promised

Jade took a deep breath and nodded

"Get ready for your match." Jade requested

John nodded and kissed her hair

"Don't worry munch, what's the odds that two of you are gonna run into each other in this crowd of people. Don't worry. Its one in a thousand." John said trying to calm down Jade

Jade nodded and thanked him before walking off back to her office. Her phone dinged and she took it out from her pocket

Just as she hit the message button, she ran into a hard chest and fell to the floor

A taped wrist grabbed her phone and as she inspected her elbow which she landed on

A figure leaned down in front of her and she was now staring into the eyes of the man she had once loved and called her own

A figure leaned down in front of her and she was now staring into the eyes of the man she had once loved and called her own

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And honestly, when she saw his smile she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Long time no see Harley," Randy said with a smile

He then helped her up

"It's good to see you." He said handing her the phone

She yanked it from him

"Wish I could say the same about you Orton." Jade said pushing past him only for him to grab her hand

"I'm sorry okay? Things were tough with us and I didn't wanna hurt you. That's the last thing I'd wanna do." Randy said

Jade rolled her eyes

"So by breaking up with me when times were tough didn't hurt me at all right?" Jade asked rhetorically, preparing to walk off but again, getting stopped

"Harley, c'mon, I'll always love you, you know that. I love you. I always will." He said putting his hand on her cheek

This made Jade's heart thunder in her chest

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have married her." Jade said finally able to walk away from him and to her office where she immediately broke down crying, letting herself slide down the door.

So much for not running into him tonight! Thanks John..

She wanted to believe every single word Randy had just said

But there was Randy on her mind and Dean in her heart.

Yet she felt in love when Randy smiled at her. But Dean's everything made her feel in love.

This was so confusing

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