Protect You

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Jade was not a lightweight and right now, she was drunk as fuck and felt really calm, normally that would be great, but she was drunk and calm? Not a good sign
Soon enough, she would be spilling every secret she heard, had or made up.

She tended to be a talker when she was drunk

She had danced with Nikki and took shots with Charlotte, she was having fun.

She had just walked out of the bathroom when a hand harshly grabbed hers

"Hi girl, what do you say we get outta here and go back to my place?" A random man asked her

She rolled her eyes

"I'd rather hurl myself into traffic." She replied

She could practically smell the sleaze radiating off of him

The man aimed a hand at her and a hand, much more muscular than the one aimed at her, draped in a black shirt, grabbed the man's disgusting hand

"Do we got a problem here? Or do we have to take it outside?" Dean asked coming into view

Jade couldn't keep the smile off her face

"Oh look pretty boy tryna play hero," the man spit while talking

Dean smirked and punched him clear on the jaw making him let go Jade's other hand and fly backwards. Dean cleared his throat, pulled down the front of his shirt and turned to Jade, taking her face in his hands

"Are you okay?" He asked carefully, she nodded, eyes showing her bright smile and love in her veins

"Good, I'll protect you." Dean smiled

Jade saw the man grab a bottle, ready to hit Dean over the head, Jade's mouth opened before something snapped inside her and she pushed Dean aside

She ducked the bottle making it crash and shatter against the wall, then she grabbed the man's hand and flipped him over the table, he groaned and suddenly Jade felt unsteady and crashed against Dean's chest as he reached out to grab her to stop her from falling, as he wrapped his arms around her to keep her upright, she looked up into his eyes

"I'll protect you too." She said smiling sleepily.

He grinned for the first time since that whole backstage fiasco

"Let's get you home." Dean said instead of replying

Jade nodded and took two steps before she stumbled and Dean threw himself forward to catch her before she face planted into the tiles.

"Okay, c'mon up." He said leaning down to wrap his arms around her waist and the other under the back of her knees and he easily hoisted her up

"What do you weigh? 50 pounds?" He asked jokingly, nodding to a smirking Roman, Seth and Nikki as he passed them

Jade lightly hit his chest

"115 jackass," she insulted playfully

Dean smiled a fond smile as she had suddenly realized the shirt he had on was comfortable and the leather jacket he wore smelt like him and was really warm and had decided to snuggle her face into his neck and he suppressed a giggle when he felt her bat her eyelashes against his cool skin

He watched in awe as her eyes closed and then she gripped the fabric of his leather jacket like she was afraid to fall asleep

"I'll protect you." He repeated softly and just like that, the grip on his jacket loosened but did not disappear and her face relax as she cuddled into the crook between his shoulder and neck

He felt her hand move from the collar of his jacket to the leather on top of his heart and she smiled, warming his heart.

I'll Protect You.

Was the only thought he had while he walked with a bundle of blonde in his arms all the way back to the hotel

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