You Lied To Me

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Part 1 of 5

Jade was cooking dinner for Dean and herself, he sat at the table watching Big Brother

When the timer went off, she began plating out the food, and she threw some beer into two champagne glasses and put them into a tray and walked over to where he sat on the couch and placed the tray down and Dean looked up and smiled at her, before he opened his arms so she could lie in them

"What the hell?" He asked looking as one of the competitors fell off the giant ball

Jade smiled fondly at him before relaxing back into his chest

He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her hair before he took off the TV and took up his glass when she had hers and they clinked them together before she leaned over and kissed him, he put the glass down and she followed before his phone rang, she looked at him

Normally when they were having a meal together, he'd ignore the call, but confusingly, he didn't do that this time

He stared at the screen and excused himself before he got up, Jade shrugged, she trusted Dean so she didn't bother

She hummed silently and turned back on the TV, smirking when she saw Total Bellas rerun. She was so happy for Nikki, she started getting jittery when she heard Dean's hushed whispers coming from the other room

She got up and walked over to the bedroom where Dean was

"I don't know when you'll get to meet her mom. We're very busy people, no, no, okay mom as soon as we get the chance, we'll fly to Cincinnati. Yes mother I promise. Okay bye mom." He said hanging up the phone.

He huffed and rubbed a hand over his face before turning to find Jade with her arms crossed and a disbelieving look on her face

"You lied to me." She accused before she walked away

Dean huffed before going after her, finding her tightly holding on to the edge of the sink's counter

"How could you not tell me about your mom?" She asked him, voice cracking as if she was on the verge of tears

Dean's mouth hung open slightly

"Do you realize how bad that makes me look? You proposed to me and your mom hasn't even met me. What's she gonna think?" Jade said, finally in tears

On instinct, Dean rushed forward and bundled her up in his arms

"Baby, it doesn't matter what she thinks. I swear it doesn't, she could say anything, and it won't make me love you any less." Dean assured her, resting his chin on her head

"But you've met my parents." She insisted

"Well technically, they ARE my bosses," Dean said jokingly, laughing at his own joke before seeing the seriousness on Jade's face

"Okay, if it means that much to you, we'll go on a day off, we'll fly to Cincy and you'll meet her okay?" Dean said rubbing her back comfortingly

"Thank you," Jade muttered against his chest, Dean smiled

"Now can we please go back to that lovely dinner that my lovely soon to be wife made?" He asked with a smile, Jade smiled and nodded

He smiled at her, taking her hand and leading her back to where they previously sat.

Author's Note

Here is part 1 hope you like it💪💕

Also, no disrespect, I know Dean's mom is no longer alive RIP (so he said) I just included her for the story. 😇😇


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