Visiting His Mom

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Part 3 of 5

Dean was so nervous right now. He had never carried a girl to meet his mom before, it was just something he'd never thought he'd do and here he was, sitting in his SUV, holding hands with the most beautiful girl he knew, driving 80 miles per hour to his mom's home in Cincinnati.

Well he always said there was a time for everything.

He was in his regular clothes, vest, jeans and his leather jacket. He didn't know why Jade wanted so bad to impress his mom, if he was being honest, he didn't care about his mom's opinion. But if it made Jade happy, he'd put up with the old harpy for a while.

But he wasn't complaining, Jade looked absolutely gorgeous

He could practically feel her nerves and it was annoying him

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He could practically feel her nerves and it was annoying him

"Do you think she'll like me?" She asked for what felt like the 99th time, he groaned

"Would you stop?" He asked with a smile on his face but she could hear the annoyance in his voice

She looked at him

"Sorry." She mumbled, letting go of his hand

"No babe, I didn't mean it like that, I mean why do you care about what she thinks? I love you and that's all that matters, no matter what she thinks, I'm still gonna love you, now stop worrying because you're so amazing," he said taking back her hand in his

She sighed and tried to keep down her nerves

"Let's get some slurpies," he said pulling into a drive thru

"C'mon," he said switching off the van. They had gotten slurpies when Dean decided he wanted hard candy

He stood looking at them for nearly half an hour. The lighting was so good, Dean looked like a god, Jade just NEEDED a picture so she told him and he posed

 The lighting was so good, Dean looked like a god, Jade just NEEDED a picture so she told him and he posed

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"You look so cute," she said as he picked up, 3 bags of Candy Corn

He smiled and went over to the cashier as Jade picked up a Hershey's bar, she went for her wallet when Dean shot her a look
"What?" She asked confused

"You've got to be kidding me?" He said smirking as he took her entire purse and slung it on his shoulder before he paid for everything and took his candy bag and Jade's hand and walked out, with Jade smiling widely at her boyfriend's crazy antics

"You know," she began as they began driving in silence making Dean grin and look over at her

"You could've just said you wanted to pay," she replied making him grin wider

"I could've, but what's the fun in that?" He asked pulling into his mother's drive way

"Wow. It hasn't changed a bit," he said with a shudder

They walked up the curb towards his mom's door and he knocked 4 times and the door swung

"Dean?! Is that you son? Oh you got so handsome!" His mom exclaimed hugging him in a tight embrace

"Thanks mom," he forced a smile

Then Jade pinched her thigh as his mom's scrutinizing eyes met hers and raked over her

"Oh my god, look at this beautiful girl! Dean you've outdone yourself!" She said, surprising Jade by pulling her into an equally as tight hug

After the dinner, she was back in the van with Dean ready to head to the airport

"I told you she would love you and you were worried for nothing." Dean teased

Jade leaned back against the headrest and smiled at Dean

"Yeah, I should've listened to you." She said fondly as Dean glanced at her and smiled

She pinched his chubby cheek

"You're so cute," she cooed, he blushed making her chuckle

"Oh shut it, you." He joked making her bust out in laughter

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