I Never Had Him To Begin With

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Jade had a promo with her mom this morning and boy was she excited!

This was the Saturday before Mania and the place was absolutely electric with everyone setting up to make sure WM 33 was perfect

Jade quickly got ready for her first promo with Seth

She found him walking

She slowly walked over to him

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She slowly walked over to him

"Seth," she called, he stopped and smiled

"Jade, hey," he replied, smiling and crossing his arms

"Hey, so about your match against Triple H tomorrow," she said

"Look, if you're here to talk me out of it, you're wasting your breath," he replied

"No, I'm not here to talk you out of it, I'm here because, I want in." She smirked

Seth looked at her like she was crazy

"What'dya mean you want in?" He questioned baffled, she sighed
"We all know, Steph's gonna be in Triple H's corner tomorrow and that's sorta shady for you because it stacks the odds, against you." She said

"So say, I'm in your corner, I'll play the game and keep it even, cuz having that duo out there, you might as well go down the river with a hole in your boat," she elaborated

Seth smiled seeing where she was coming from

"How can I be sure you won't side with your parents and this is just a joke?" He asked

Jade sighed

"Does it look like I want anything to do with them? They may be my parents, but I don't particularly like them so to say, you can trust me." She said, Seth smirked smugly and nodded

"Well alright, see you tomorrow night," he said walking off, she smirked after him and the cameras cut

Then she walked to the other end of the arena for her promo with her mom

She was monitoring the setup of WM when she heard a throat clear behind her

"Jade," she heard the voice say and she sighed and took off her headset before she turned around

"Steph, always good seeing you out and about," she said sarcastically

Stephanie's smug smile faded

"So I heard you've decided to be in Seth Rollins' corner tomorrow night," Stephanie said looking at the poster of the match

"So I heard you've decided to be in Seth Rollins' corner tomorrow night," Stephanie said looking at the poster of the match

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Jade nodded

"I don't know how it's your business but if you must know, yes I have decided to accompany Seth," Jade replied in the most business like tone she could muster

"May I ask why?" Stephanie asked folding her arms

"Because I believe in him. What you and dad put that man through is cruel and sickening. And then you claim it's best for business?" Jade said

"Nah, y'all wouldn't know best for business if it slapped you across the face," she elaborated

"I just wanted to let you know, your father is gonna hurt Seth bad tomorrow," Stephanie smirked

"That may be so but Seth's gonna slay the king." Jade stated with confidence

"I absolutely forbid you to go out there!" Stephanie commanded, Jade looked at her crazily

"Forbid? You can't forbid me from doing anything, I'm a grown ass woman and I WILL be out there tomorrow night," Jade replied preparing to walk off when Stephanie spoke again

"You know if you go out there with him tomorrow, you'll lose your father," she said

Jade closed her eyes as she felt tears coming to them

"Then it's a good thing I didn't have him to begin with," she said walking away

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