Sneaky Old Lady

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Jade reached Greenwich about 6am the next morning, she was so nervous, she didn't sleep all night, it was hard to sleep when her mind wouldn't let her. She felt scared. What if-what if Hunter was telling the truth?

A part of her wanted him to be telling the truth but at the same time, she doesn't want to find out her grandma betrayed her. It was a win-lose situation.

She shot a quick text to Dean and got into a taxi, heading to her house. She got to her house around 7 and unlocked the door, smiling as she saw her 2nd home

She put her suitcase to the side and walked up the stairs

When her grandmother died, she had cleaned out the house, finding 2 boxes which she had slid under her bed when she had moved in. She wondered...?

She went to her bedroom and flung her bedspread over pulling out one of the boxes

She took a deep breath and opened the box, and what she saw inside, absolutely broke her goddamn heart

She couldn't believe it and as she pulled out a stack and saw the neat scrawl across the front, she began crying

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She couldn't believe it and as she pulled out a stack and saw the neat scrawl across the front, she began crying

19 years. 19 fucking years of hiding and hating her father and she was the wrong one.

Actually no, the wrong one in all of this distress was that sneaky old Lady

What really hurt was that her grandmother watched her cry for her father so many times, hear her screaming and blaming herself, but she never said anything.

Jade felt smoke come out of her ears and couldn't decide to read more than one, she just couldn't. She would feel positively suicidal so she picked up one and opened it

Dear Harley,
                      I don't know if you know who I am, but hi, my name is Hunter or Paul, and I'm your daddy. I know you're wondering why I'm writing and where I am but before I answer any questions, I just wanna say, I'm sorry. I never wanted to leave you. But at the time, it felt right, going off to wrestle so I could provide everything you need, I know I let you down, and I'm so sorry. You were so beautiful, so much like me, your grandmother is not letting me be a part of your life for understandable reasons, but I swear, when the time is right...I'll be back for you. You're my daughter and I love you. You may read this when your older

I just wanna let you know, I left because of you, I wanted to give you the best life possible. To make sure you never had to go without. Mark and Shawn really have taken a liking to you and it warms my heart to know how beautiful and charming you are. Maybe sooner or later, I'd get to judge for myself. But I love you and I always will.


She wiped her cheeks after she had gotten done reading the letter

"I'm sorry," she whispered, beginning to cry all over again while picking up another envelope.

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