Can't Remember To Forget You

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Dean and Jade walked into catering together immediately being stopped by Seth who wanted to go over their storyline. Jade decided to look around to see if any of her other friends were here.

There was Nikki and Brie, Miz and Maryse and Roman, she had decided Roman had come here with Seth.

Her eyes coasted the entire room until they stopped

He sat there watching her, she didn't back down, she kept eye contact with him, when he realized she returned his gaze, he smiled

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He sat there watching her, she didn't back down, she kept eye contact with him, when he realized she returned his gaze, he smiled

She kept her eyes on him as he raised his eyes back to her and kept the smile on his face and she forgot everything he'd done to her

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She kept her eyes on him as he raised his eyes back to her and kept the smile on his face and she forgot everything he'd done to her

She only looked away when Dean touched her elbow

"Hey babe, H wants us in his office, you up for it?" Dean asked noticing she seemed out of it

She looked at him and forced a smile, nodding her head

"Good." Dean said before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, she instantly forgot about Randy and instead wrapped her arms around Dean's neck

"C'mon babe, don't wanna keep the boss man waiting." Dean said taking her hand

Jade gave him a cute smile before he began tugging her to the door, Jade stopped in her tracks as Dean opened the door, she took this time to turn around and meet Randy's eyes, only to find he had moved

"When had he moved?!"

She was confused and her furrowed eyebrows and her stress lines showed it

"Ready?" Dean asked, she jumped slightly, caught up in her thoughts, she forced another smile and nodded allowing him to drag her, looking back at the now vacant spot and she shook her head twice and smiled at the back of Dean's head, she finally only saw him

"Dean," she spoke as they stopped in front her dad's door

His hand stopped where it was on the doorknob and he turned to her

"Yeah?" He asked confused

"I love you," she said smiling sheepishly he giggled and replied before he pecked her lips

Then he turned the doorknob and they walked in only for their jaws to hit the floor when they saw......

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