Dad's Relationship Advice

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Part 2 of 5

Dean and Jade had her parents Paul and Stephanie, as well as her sisters, Aurora, Murphy and Vaughn for dinner

It wasn't really formal so Dean was in a white cotton shirt that smelled just like him so Jade didn't mind, blue faded jeans and a pair of Nikes

Jade went a bit further, she had on a seamoss green dress and some cute heels

Jade went a bit further, she had on a seamoss green dress and some cute heels

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"You look stunning," Dean said with a smile, kissing her forehead

"Thanks babe," she said pecking his lips before she applied another layer of lip gloss

When her parent's arrived, the girls ate and went to go play with Jade and Dean's dog, Bully. Then the three of them cuddled with the dog while watching TV.

Paul, Stephanie, Dean and Jade went to the lanai with glasses of wine and they were just talking when Jade felt uncomfortable and shifted, her back was feeling tight, she was hoping no one saw but Dean's eyes were always on her and he squinted as he saw her discomfort

"Baby, did you rub the balm?" He asked

Jade nodded

"Yeah I rubbed it, my back is just feeling a bit tight." She replied

"You really should have the brace on," he said standing up

"Should I get it for you?" He asked pointing at the door

She rolled her eyes

"Its gonna feel better if you have on the brace," he persisted

"Oh my god. I don't want the freaking brace Dean, Jesus, you're not my damn dad, you're my boyfriend, you don't have to be on my case for every little thing," she argued

Dean didn't say anything, he just turned and walked away

She could see the hurt in his eyes though

"I'm gonna check on the girls." Stephanie said, rubbing Jade's shoulder as she passed

Jade sighed, aggravated as she pinched her forehead

"Babe," Paul began, she looked up

"Dean didn't mean any harm love, he was just trying to make sure you were comfortable, you shouldn't have blown up at him, he meant well, his intentions were good." Paul explained, Jade nodded feeling horrible

"I should go talk to him." She said, Paul nodded

"You should, we'll leave now, thanks for dinner my girl," he said as he stood up and went to help Steph with the girls who were dead asleep

Jade nodded at him and picked up Vaughn and carried her to the car and buckled her up before they began driving, honking as they left the gates, Jade locked it and walked upstairs to talk to Dean

"Babe," she called as she walked into the study, she knew he loved to sit there when he was troubled and she was right as she saw him, lying there with a smile as she walked in

"Babe," she called as she walked into the study, she knew he loved to sit there when he was troubled and she was right as she saw him, lying there with a smile as she walked in

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"Baby," she began sitting opposite him, he looked at her

"I didn't mean to you know snap at you, I've never really had somebody who has been so...concerned about me and its just," she paused struggling

"New." He finished for her, sitting up

"Yeah," she said making eye contact, she reached across and touched his cheek, smiling as he leaned into her touch before kissing her palm, then she brought it back on her lap

"I really do love you, and I'm so freaking sorry I was such a bitch," she said

"No, no, you're not anything close to a bitch, you're the sweetest girl ever, but-" he paused looking up at her

"You need to know, this is a two way street, remember how concerned you were when I got that concussion?" He asked her, she nodded

"It's exactly like that. You're always concerned for the one you love and you're gonna hafta get used to that," he said with a serious expression on his face

 You're always concerned for the one you love and you're gonna hafta get used to that," he said with a serious expression on his face

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She sighed deeply

"I know, I'm so sorry, thank you for being concerned about me, I'd rather you worry about every step I take rather than you not caring." She said truthfully

He huffed a laugh

"Wait till you're test comes positive, I'll be so much worse," he promised, she laughed

"I really do love you and I promise not to snap when you're just trying to look out for me." She promised, reaching over and taking his hand, entwining his fingers and kissing his knuckles

"I love you to and I promise not to be SO overbearing." He assured

They shared a smile and a kiss before Dean stood

"C'mon babe, I'll give you a backrub," he said, helping her up

"Sounds heavenly, but no wandering fingers young man," she jokingly scalded

"No promises," he said, following the sound of her laughter with a smile of his own

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