You Ruined My Life!

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Jade had thought she could've rekindled a friendship with Randy but she thought she could've started something with Dean. Was she so wrong for wanting two guys in her life one in a platonic way?

This was absolutely breaking her heart. She had disrespected herself, disrespected Randy's marriage and his family and worst of all, she hurt Dean Ambrose. A man who she had realized she was in pure love with. She had ruined every chance she had with him and maybe now she had realized how much the situation screwed both of them up.

She sighed and rested her chin in the palm of her propped up hand
"C'mon mopey puss, we're going out." Nikki ordered fixing her lipstick

"No, no I'm fine," Jade waved off sipping her brew

"Get ready, we're going out, I'm not taking no for an answer get your ass up and ready," Nikki ordered

Jade got up and put her brew back in the fridge before she moped to her room

If she was going out tonight, then she was gonna dress as she pleased.

She got dressed and walked outside

"That's fine." Nikki said Jade nodded


"Your gonna thank me for this." Nikki said grabbing Jade's hand and dragging her out the door

"I ain't drinking tonight," Jade informed Nikki as the club came into view

"That's fine, at least I got you out of the house." Nikki said half shrugging

Before they walked in, Nikki stopped her

"Lemme get a pic," she announced

Jade shook her head and posed

Jade shook her head and posed

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"You look cute as fuck." She said Jade smiled

When they walked into the club, Jade saw some familiar faces and she scanned the room and her eyes caught familiar blue eyes and brown, scruffy hair and he looked absolutely miserable sitting there with Roman and Seth as he nursed a beer. Jade shook her head and went to get a beer or Jack Daniels, whatever works.

She had just gotten her drink and was about to pay when

"It's on me." Randy said coming up behind her

Jade rolled her eyes

"What do you want?" She asked sipping it slowly at first

"Look, have you thought about giving me a second chance?" He asked

Jade nearly did a spit take

"Are you fucking crazy?! Why in the blue hell would I give you a second chance?" She asked stunned

"You know I care about y-"

"No. I don't know. You've screwed me over more than once and made me lose the only man I've ever loved more than you! You ruined my life! And I'll never forgive you." She said walking off
Randy shook his head

But little did they know, Dean had heard the whole conversation and was now worried for Jade's sanity

Jade had went through so many motions since she arrived and she remembered that she had promised herself and Nikki that she wouldn't drink tonight and after everything she'd just went through, she'd only had one thing to say

To Hell With That, She Needed Some Whiskey!

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