Who Is She Dean?!

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Jade sighed as Dean still kept secrets and hid from her

She wanted to believe Roman, she wanted to believe her heart but her brain was so, powerful that she didn't know what to believe. But with the way Dean was being, she thoroughly believed Dean was cheating on her and she couldn't take this

Finally, she decided to confront Dean to find out the truth

"Dean, we need to talk," she said, as she walked into the kitchen where he sat on the island, surprisingly on his phone

She rolled her eyes slightly and looked at him

"About what?" He asked, tapping away, she grabbed the phone and slid it into her back pocket

"Us, we need to talk about us," she replied, already feeling tears in her eyes

She didn't want to get into another fight with him, considering how many they had already gotten into about this very conversation.

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!" She exclaimed, looking at him

"What?" He asked, confused

"Am I not good enough for you? Am I such a bad wife that you cheat on me?" Jade asked, letting her emotions get the best of her

"Jade, what the fuck are you talking about? We already talked about this." Dean shouted at her

"I don't know Dean, I think you're cheating," Jade explained

Dean's face contorted into anger

"You think so little of me? I don't believe this," Dean said, throwing his hands up

Jade held her head and huffed before tears rolled down her cheeks

"I can't do this anymore," she whispered

Dean instantly lost all the anger in his body and looked at her

"What?" He breathed

"I can't do this," she said, walking away to their bedroom

She pulled out her suitcase and opened her closet. She heard Dean's frantic footsteps following her

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" Dean asked, his blue eyes, misty

"To my dad's, unless you're ready to tell me who the fuck is Sabrina MacIntyre!" She shouted at him

His mouth opened and twitched

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you," he said, rubbing his forearm as he looked away

"Fine, I'm staying in the guest room," Jade said, pulling her suitcase past Dean and the door

Dean's hand twitched and he resisted reaching out for her. He loved her but he knew, it was better not to tell her. He worked so hard to keep this a secret and he wasn't letting all his hard work be revealed. He never wanted Jade to know.

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