For The Love Of God

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"Jade, please can we just talk?" Seth asked, chasing Jade down the hallway as she just pretended she didn't hear him and continued walking

He grabbed her hand and yanked her backward

"Let go off me!" She hissed, yanking her hand away from him

He looked at her

"I'm sorry about the last time we spoke," he began

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"I'm sorry about the last time we spoke," he began

Jade shook her head

"You tried to break me and Dean up, my husband, you tried to separate me from my husband, that's unforgivable," Jade said folding her arms

"I'm sorry," Seth said

"I'm sorry I made you mad, but I'm not sorry I fell in love with you. I'm not sorry I kissed you, Jade, I'm in love with you and Dean doesn't deserve you, he never did." Seth told her

Jade looked at him incredulously

"What the fuck is your problem, Seth?" She asked, Seth pushed her against the wall and raised her hands above her head, smirking as she froze in shock he took advantage and kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth

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"What the fuck is your problem, Seth?" She asked, Seth pushed her against the wall and raised her hands above her head, smirking as she froze in shock he took advantage and kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth

She bit his tongue and pushed him off, raising her hand and slapping him hard across his cheek with hatred in her eyes

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again, you sicko," Jade said, pushing him before she wiped her lips and walked off to find Dean

When she found him, he was leaning against a crate, talking to Cesaro.

Cesaro waved and walked off, just as Jade walked up, Dean looked at her and smiled

"Hey, what's-" he didn't get to finish as she grabbed his shirt and pressed her lips against his, pulling her husband flush against her body, she pushed her tongue into his mouth, moaning when his hands squeezed her his as she claimed every inch of his mouth by tasting him

She pulled away and smirked as he panted

"Good to see you too," he said, wiping the sides of his mouth and smirking at her, while licking his lips

"I needed your taste in my mouth," she told him

"Let me guess," Dean said, looking up in anger

"Let me guess," Dean said, looking up in anger

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"Rollins kissed you again," Dean said

Jade didn't reply, just looked at him

Jade didn't reply, just looked at him

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"I knew it, I fucking knew it. Where is he?" Dean asked, holding his fist up

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Dean said, passing Jade and jogging down the hallway

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Dean said, passing Jade and jogging down the hallway

Jade gasped and followed after him, but his legs were longer so he was quicker

Jade ran after him, grabbing Randy's wrist as she ran, making him pick up a jog to keep the pace

"What's going on?" Randy asked but Jade didn't have time to answer

"Keep your fucking hands off of my wife you goddamn asshole!" They heard from the end of the hallway, there was no mistaking who's voice it was

"I'm sorry man, but I'm not gonna apologize," the other voice replied

"Oh shit," Randy cussed, following Jade as she began running

"Stop guys, stop it," she said, going in between Seth and Dean, who were standing chest to chest, glaring at each other

She pushed Dean back while Randy did the same to Seth

Dean shook his head and grabbed Jade, kissing her in front of Seth, she melted against his lips, hearing Seth struggle against Randy to get to them but she saw Randy pushing Seth down the corridor away from them, while she gave Dean a disapproving look before she grinned and hugged him

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