I'm Leaving

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Jade was packing her suitcase when there was a knock on her hotel room door

She sighed and dropped her jeans before going to answer the door

Dean was on the other side

"Hey cupcake," he grinned brightly walking in only to stop in his tracks when he saw the suitcase, then he turned back to her


"I'm flying to Greenwich tonight." She told him

He looked at her eyes widened

"Are you coming back?" He asked getting choked up

She sighed

"Yeah, I'll be back Saturday night," she replied

"Then let me come with you." He insisted

She shook her head

"Sorry Deano, but I need to do this by myself, I have alot of packing to do so are you staying the night?" She asked

He nodded

"Yeah," he whispered

She smiled and proceeded to pack

She found herself beginning to get worried

She didn't know what awaited her back in Greenwich and she really did wanna take Dean but he was needed for the Live Event and she didn't want him to worry for her

She had 2 hours before she had to leave and believe they spent it quite appropriate😏😉

-At The Airport-

She had her suitcase and everything and was getting ready to board her flight when Dean pulled her into a hug

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She had her suitcase and everything and was getting ready to board her flight when Dean pulled her into a hug

"Call me or text me as soon as you land and as soon as your on your way back okay?" He said, pressing a kiss to her hair

"I love you okay?" He asked releasing her

"You too," she replied giving him a kiss before she got on the plane's steps, blowing a kiss to Dean and then stepping into the plane on her way to where she grew up

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