Falling Apart Or Coming Together?

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Jade smiled as she wrapped her arms around Dean's neck while his formed around her waist. The bright lights shone on them. And the deafening roar of the fans echoed in her ears.

"Kiss me." Dean said, Jade smiled and pressed her lips against his, they moved in sync and she felt Dean's tongue lick her bottom lip
Jade opened her mouth, she didn't know why, but she did and she enjoyed this kiss.

As they walked backstage, Jade shook her head violently, her heart hammered in her chest as she was feeling uneasy.

She couldn't handle this right now.

Dean high fived Seth as he came into view. The plan was working. Jade was falling in love with him.
Dean caught up with Jade later in the night

"Hey Jade," he said smiling at her
"Hey Dean." She replied before her eyes widened

"Taylor?! Oh my god!" She shouted jumping into a handsome guy's arms

The boy laughed and spun her around

When they finally stopped, Jade turned to Dean and smiled as Dean rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly

"Dean, this is my best friend Taylor, Taylor, my friend, Dean." She introduced

Dean stiffly nodded at him

Jade smiled at Dean

"I'll see you at work tomorrow Dean." She said before she and Taylor joined hands and walked to his car

Dean rubbed his hands over his face and sighed before he got into his car and drove to his hotel

Meanwhile, Jade smiled as she and Taylor talked

"So how's David?" She asked

"He's good, he's been talking about marriage a lot lately, I think he's finally gonna propose to me," Taylor gushed

"That's amazing babe." Jade said giving Taylor a hug

"Yeah, so hey! That Ambrose fella, you like him don't you?" He asked her in a smirk

Jade sighed and raked her hand through her hair

"I don't-,"

"Don't let what happened with James affect you. You need love, don't let that selfish sonuva bitch get you down," Taylor said flicking her nose playfully

"And you were gonna lie to me, you do like him, I saw how he looked at me when you hugged me, he was ready to kill me," Taylor said in a laugh

"And considering the blush you're sporting, I'm gonna make a wild guess and say you like him back amirite?" He mocked

Jade rolled her eyes and pushed his shoulder playfully but she couldn't help letting his words sink in

Dean liked her?

That thought made a wide smile cross her face and she didn't like it, but it also made her feel fuzzy inside, and she kinda liked it?

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