Silent Treatment Ish?

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Dean cautiously walked into the kitchen that morning, watching as Jade toasted some bread

"Morning," he said hopefully, walking in and over to her to  kiss her hair, like he did every morning, he smiled as she let him

She plated some toast and eggs and gave him a cup of coffee

"So," he began and Jade looked up slightly but said nothing as she poured her own cup of coffee

"About yesterday," he elaborated, she braced her hands on the counter and looked at him amused, almost as if she was daring him to say something, thankfully, he had more sense than to bring it up again

"Mommy!" DJ's voice rang through the house, signalling she had gotten up

Jade walked up the stairs as Dean sighed and let his forehead hit the table in regret though she was angry with him, the fact that she still let him kiss her hair and made breakfast for him, signalling she wasn't hateful, just angry

He grinned as he saw Jade walk back down the stairs, holding a sleepy DJ who was rubbing her little eyes, mouth formed into a "o" as she yawned

Jade kissed her hair and gave her to Dean while she made some tea for her, since DJ didn't like to eat breakfast

Dean made faces at DJ who giggled and squished his face with her two hands, making his chubby cheeks known to people in space, he looked down at DJ and smiled through his squished up face

Jade shook her head fondly and secretly smiled while mixing DJ's bottle

She went over and took DJ from Dean and sat close to him, laying DJ on her lap and putting the tip of the bottle in her mouth and letting her get her nutrients

Dean stared at Jade as she fed their bottle to their kid

Later, Dean went to the supermarket with DJ, leaving Jade at home by herself, he asked if she had wanted to go but she declined

She sat on the lanai and pressed call, listening to it ring twice before he picked up

"Hey kiddo," he said, she smiled widely and put it on loudspeaker

"Hey Rands," she said, smiling

"What's up?" He asked, shuffling

"This whole thing with Seth," she began, explaining everything that went down with Dean

After she was done, she immediately regretted calling Randy

"Wow. That's...messed up," he said, making her roll her eyes playfully

"So, what should I do?" She asked him

It took a minute of silence before he answered

"I think Dean's really trying to do something that's gonna benefit your relationship, he doesn't want you to worry and it's a small price to pay," Randy replied

"Really? You think so?" She asked, sighing

"Yeah kiddo, Dean's a smart guy, I'm sure he thought of every possibility," Randy told her

She nodded and thanked him, after talking for a near hour, she hung up and smiled

Randy always had the best advice. She always asked him if it was a right decision because he knew so much about everything and everyone

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