Getting The Call

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Jade was on the lanai with Nikki, Lola and Eileen, laughing when she got a phone call from Seth

"Hello?" She answered drinking some red wine

"What?" She asked, tears beginning to form

"Please don't scare me, tell me what's going on?" She asked pinching the bridge of her nose

"Is he okay?" She paused waiting for an answer, apparently she didn't receive any

Nikki and the others looked worriedly at Jade who was in full tears

"Seth, you're scaring me, please don't, just tell me is Dean okay?" She asked

Before she calmed down and nodded

"Okay, okay, I'll be back as soon as possible, just please stay with him," she pleaded and smiled

"I'll be there by morning," she promised

"Yeah, bye" she replied and put it down, draining the glass of wine quickly and walked out with the girls following

"Where're you going?"
"Is everything okay?"
"What's going on?"

Were the questions that followed.
"Seth just called me, they were at a bar and Dean passed out, Seth and Roman took him to the hospital, the doctors are doing some tests but they don't know exactly what's happening, so I'm leaving and I'm okay by myself, you girls enjoy the rest of the stay," she said quickly calling a cab and picking up her air miles card

And with a goodbye, she left for the airport and as she waited, she grew scared

What condition would Dean be in when she got back to Georgia? She wouldn't be able to live with herself if anything happened to him.

She took a deep breath when she finally got on the plane receiving a text saying Seth would pick her up from the airport after sending a quick reply, she tried relaxing enough to sleep but she just couldn't and so she stayed awake all night.

The well-being of her boyfriend, the love of her life, reigned heavy on her mind and she found herself in a cold sweat

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