Brought To Tears

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Jade couldn't believe this. She had to retire. She would still be here as Jade, plain old Jade who was just the boss' daughter. Not The Huntress, who could beat anybody, who had respect for those who respected her. The badass that could get anything she want, not because of who her parent's were, but because she earned what she wanted

She'd never be that girl again, and everyone backstage sensed the sadness that hung in the air

"Babe?" Dean asked carefully

Jade blinked and looked at him

"Hmm?" She asked, fiddling with her bracelet that was The Huntress' merchandise

"Are you okay?" He asked again

She nodded slowly

"As okay as I could be," she replied

He nodded at her

"Okay," Triple H said taking off his headset

"It's your show babe," he said, telling her it was time to go out

She requested them to play Going To Hell for her one last time and they adhered to her wish

She could've jumped in front of a train when she heard the arena uproar as the first line was whispered

Dean hugged her before she was meant to go out

She waited till the lyrics began and then she walked out with a forced smile

She shot her arrow and waved

She couldn't look at anyone so she kept her eyes firmly to the wrestling ring in front of her

She climbed in and raised her mic to her mouth but the uproar had yet to die down, so she waited with a fond smile

She climbed in and raised her mic to her mouth but the uproar had yet to die down, so she waited with a fond smile

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When it died down a little she began

"I know most of you guys heard about my retirement," she said listening to the boos

"But fear not JadeMine," she said referring to her collective word for her fans

"I'm only retiring as The Huntress, I'm not ready to leave you guys yet," she said with a watery smile

"I can't believe I'm doing this, but I wanna thank some people. I wanna thank my dad, Triple H for making me with all the talented bones in my body, I wanna thank my step mom Stephanie, even though we aren't related by blood, your the closest thing to a mom I got so thank you for taking me in as your own," Jade said with a smile

"I wanna thank Randy Orton for being the first one to teach me about love, he's found endless happiness and I couldn't be happier for him." She said

"I wanna thank Nikki Bella, John Cena, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns for," she paused

"For being my best friends when I didn't have anyone else to count on," she finished

"And lastly, but certainly not least, I wanna thank Dean Ambrose." She said with a smile as the crowd cheered at the mention of his name

"Thank you for not giving up on me even when I didn't want anything to do with you, thank you for being everything I've ever wanted and more, thank you for supporting and believing in me when I wanted to do some pretty dumb stuff, you make me so happy and I'll always love you, thank you for taking a chance on me when everyone else knew my relationship history and no one wanted to touch me." She said, the tears beginning to flow

The crowd cheered as she paused to recollect her bearings

"I thank god for you people everyday, for you sitting in those seats and letting me get away with whatever, I sometimes think I never gave you guys enough, but looking around this arena tonight, I can see that I've touched your hearts just like you have touched mine," she said, voice cracking in the end

"I love you guys and even though I'll still be here as plain old Jade, I'm leaving a part of my life in this ring," Jade said, wiping her nose

Brock Lesnar's music began playing and he casually walked down the ramp and into the ring

After him and Jade having a stare down, he walked closer and reached out a hand

"I respect what you did in this ring, when you know your body couldn't take it, you got guts kid," he said lowly

Jade smiled and thanked him while shaking his hand, and just as soon as he came, he left

"Thank you all for being the most amazing set of fans that I could have," she said facing the camera
"I love you all and thank you for letting me come out here every night and live out my dreams," she said smiling watery to everyone

She went over to Lillian and asked for Huntress' jacket, she was handed with a smile

She smiled as everyone rose to their feet as she folded the jacket as they began playing her theme song for The Huntress

She rested the coat in the middle of the ring, placing her bracelet on the pile then she blew a kiss around the arena and stepped out of the ring, she was halfway up when King of Kings began and she looked up

She rested the coat in the middle of the ring, placing her bracelet on the pile then she blew a kiss around the arena and stepped out of the ring, she was halfway up when King of Kings began and she looked up

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She smiled and turned back around to the ring

Jade waved at them with a smile and continued up the ramp, she hugged John, her mom, dad and Randy and then Retaliation hit and Dean walked out with a smile and clapping hands as he reached her, he took her in his arms and rubbed her back before r...

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Jade waved at them with a smile and continued up the ramp, she hugged John, her mom, dad and Randy and then Retaliation hit and Dean walked out with a smile and clapping hands as he reached her, he took her in his arms and rubbed her back before reaching her lips for a kiss
Everyone, who were all brought to tears, continued to clap as the couple walked backstage

"Baby," she called

"Hmm," he replied

"I wanna go home, I wanna go home to Vegas," she said

He looked at her, smiling as she referred to their house in Vegas as...home.

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