We Need The Huntress

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Jade had a meeting with the brass and she was curious, anytime they needed her, they'd send a message with her mom or dad but now she was needed in the panel.

When she arrived she sat down and listened to them talk about profits and merchandise and payslips. This bored her so she began singing in her mind

Suddenly she heard her mom calling her name and she looked up and began paying attention

"Jade, what's this?" She asked sliding a packet down the table to where she was.

Jade leaned forward and carefully opened it, revealing her clearance papers from 2 months ago which stated she was clear to wrestle. Dammit

She should've known the doctor would've sent one to the company.

She looked up and cringed expecting a yelling fest, but instead her mom just sighed

"You should've told us hun, this isn't a secret you keep from you parents loving," her mom said

Jade looked down and nodded

"The reason we called you here," her mom began

"Is because we know you back is cleared and we know you've been training quite a bit," her dad elaborated

"And since the profits have been down a marginal amount, we want to bring back someone who'd skyrocket the sales," her mom added

"Someone charismatic, someone destined for greatness, someone badass, someone like...I don't know, the Huntress?" Her dad implied

Her jaw dropped and she looked between them before she wildly shook her head

"No, no, no, absolutely not," she said shaking her hands frantically

"Please baby..." Her mom said

"We need The Huntress," her dad said

She looked at them and sighed, knowing she HAD to do this.

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