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Driving down a desert road, away from the city and back to small town roots

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Driving down a desert road, away from the city and back to small town roots. Lauren grew up in Charming, a little town by Lodi, California. It was small, dull and lacking what a young person would crave. There was no nightlife, all business was slow and nothing ever changed. So she left, went around to Las Vegas to try and find some peace of mind, clarity.

While she was out, she met Brea. She found her one night just walking around, still new to the area. She had been in Vegas for quite a while and showed Lauren around. She was nice, helped her out as much as someone could help a wandering twenty year old. They ended up living together, both working at a casino. Brea was a card dealer at the tables and Lauren bar tended. But now, they were older and Lauren wanted to get back home. Leave what she once craved and now coming back with company.

A creek ran along the road aside them, no cars and few trees. The two were listening to music, following a gps to Charming. Brea wasn't on board at first, wasn't sure if small town living was for her but Lauren convinced her. They were all they had in Vegas. Brea was lonely and lost, as well as Lauren but they both clicked from the minute they met. Before they knew it a deer had jumped into the road before then, Lauren panicked and couldn't control herself. Her foot hit the break and she closed my eyes. The car lurched to a halt, seatbelt yanked hard at their chests. She turned to see Brea with the deer through the windshield and in her goddamn lap. She blinked down at it in shock.

"Shit, Lauren!" She yelled "Well what happens now?"

Brea was figuring out what happened, blood from the deer was on her, its lifeless head in her lap. Her heart was racing as fast as her head.

"We have a phone, we'll be fine. I'll look up automotive s-"

"Just call AAA" Brea offered, unaware of their location.

"This isn't Vegas, out here it's local businesses" Lauren corrected her.

"Oh yeah, gotta love small town living" she joked.

Lauren rummaged through broken glass to get her phone, searching auto shops. The top one was Teller-Morrow, it was the best and maybe only one in Charming. As she called, she proceeded to get out the car while Brea did the same, bit more struggle on her side.

"Teller-Morrow auto, this is Gemma" a woman's voice spoke through the phone.

"Hi, I was driving into Charming and hit a deer, right through my windshield. I was wondering if you guys could tow our car?" Lauren spoke, her voice an octave higher to be polite.

Brea heard it all, mocking her voice lightly in the background. Nothing bad ever happens to the driver in accidents. Of course, Brea was fine but not happy with where she's ended up in this situation.

"Yeah, of course baby. I'll send a guy out, where are you?" She must've pulled the phone away to yell someone's name because Lauren could hear her yelling, but from afar.

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