30. Make up your mind

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In the morning, Lauren sat outside Tigs door waiting to catch Chibs. Nights of the party, he let Brea stay in his room leaving his business with crows outside. He'd come back to his room to get ready for the day and that's what Lauren was waiting for. Other people walked past her, using the public bathroom. A lot of them were crows and bikers from other charters. They were so different but all too hungover to question Lauren. When Chibs turned the corner, she grabbed him by his kutte and pushed him against the wall.

"What's this, lass?" He asked groggily.

"You need to make up your mind, lad" she mocked "no more of this half and half shit. Don't sleep in the bed with her every night and then fuck crows every party. I'm tired of seeing her drunk at 8 AM because she sees you with those whores"

She was unapologetic and had no filter. It was too early, she was hungover and tired of seeing her friend hurt most of all. This would give her some kind of peace of mind, knowing that she tried to change his mind.

"It ain't that easy" he said and pushed her hands off him.

"If Tig can do it, so can you"

"Tig doesn't have a wife" Chibs spoke with pure sadness and anger.

He didn't want that to be told to Brea, didn't even want to tel Lauren. He was tired of Lauren grilling her and needed to say something to shut her up. Lauren looked up at him with shock, turning back into her room.

She shook Tig awake with the urge to tell someone what she just found out.

"Chibs has a wife?!" She whispered.

Tigs eyes suddenly became wide and he looked more awake than he first was.

"How do you know that?" He questioned.

"He just told me, right to my face" she looked back at the door outside where it all just took place.

"You can't tell, Brea. He has to do that himself"

"I can't let her get her hopes up" she sighed, head in her hands at the end of the bed.

"But you have to, for me and Chibs. Please, doll" he begged, rubbing her back.

"I won't" she huffed.

After his confession, he only felt worse walking into that room seeing Brea. She was peacefully asleep on the bed, unknowing of what life Chibs actually has. He didn't linger on it long, she wasn't here, out of sight and out of mind.
When Brea woke up, Chibs was sitting on her bedside. She furrowed her brows in confusion and slowly sat up. She touched his shoulder and he jumped.

"Are you okay?" She asked him surprised that he was here and not still passed out with a crow.

"I am, how're you?" He asked, holding her hand.

"Fine" she nodded "why're you here ? Like in here, not out there with a crow?"

"Early bird gets the worm" he laughed to try to lighten the mood "I'm sorry I put you through all that, every mornin' after the parties"

"Don't be" she mumbled and pulled herself out of bed, not wanting to face this conversation.

"I care about you, I do" he said, stopping her in her track going towards the bathroom "There's just, shi-"

"Shit you gotta deal with, I know" she rolled her eyes, her back still to him.

"I don't want shit to stir, feelings to get hurt or anyone to leave Charming" he huffed out running his hands through his hair.

"Too late if you're really trying to save my feelings" she said, walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Chibs' phone rang and he answered immediately.

"Aye" he spoke.

"It's Clay, Gemma's been in an accident and I'm at St. Thomas with Tig now"

"Is she alright? We're on our way" he spoke standing up.

"She'll be fine, see you soon"

He hung up and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hurry up, lass. We've got to go to St. Thomas" he said without further explanation.

He left his room and into the lounge of the clubhouse. He saw all the crows lingered even with the absence of any bikers.

"Alrigh' ladies, last night was fun but now we've got to go" he shouted, shooing the girls away.

He ran around, kicking and shaking a few out of their sleep. Shouting for them to leave as they eventually all were up and got the message. He then had to wake up Bobby from the pool table.

Outside, Lauren was sitting with Half-Sack and Juice also. The crows stumbled out in a wave, making everyone look confused. Then when Chibs came outside, he answered their question.

"Gemma's at St. Thomas, Clay called, she was in an accident. Half-Sack, need you to take Bobby in the truck, still drunk from last night. Juice, take Lauren on your bike. I've got Brea" Chibs spewed at everyone trying to get there as soon as possible.
Upon arriving, the boys hijacked a free gurney and pulled Bobby on it. Brea was wide eyed seeing them take the gurney for personal use. The boys ran through the hospital with Bobby on the gurney. Tig had texted Chibs with the wing they were waiting in. Opie had met them there also having gotten a similar call from Clay.

"Step aside! Step aside! Man down! Man down!" Chibs announced to the nurses as they approached around a corner.

Juice pushed the cart from behind and Half-Sack pushed from the front, Chibs sitting on top next to a half asleep, half drunk Bobby.

"Sorry, sorry" Brea mumbled apologies to the nurses for the boys rowdy behavior.

She walked alongside Lauren and Opie who opted out on the gurney ride and walked. Opie had an advantage with being tall and kept up with long strides. Brea and Lauren had to do a half jog to keep up. As the arrived at the waiting room, Tig was leaned against the door frame, smiling at the arrival of Bobby.

"So, how's the homecoming queen?" He asked.

"He's a little green" Juice laughed.

"How's Gemma?" Bobby asked with his head shooting up, unlit cigarette falling from his mouth.

"Better than you" Clay responded with a small smile.

"Good, good" Bobby nodded and was back to his original position on the gurney.

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