32. Wrap party

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In the morning, Chibs woke up Brea before he left. He never usually did this but it felt right to fill her in on club stuff. Jax told Tara and she wasn't even around often so for someone living here, it was just nice to do.

"Mornin'" he said looking at her "I just thought I'd let ya know I'm goin' to caracara"

"The porn studio Luann owns? I'd rather not hear about that, Filip" she groaned.

"It's our business now too, we own fifty percent"

"So you've a bigger assortment of whores to sleep with" she rolled her eyes and flipped over so she wasn't facing him.

He shook his head, he knew this was to check on Luann and how the business was doing but she wouldn't see that. He wasn't going to be sleeping with anyone on his early morning trip.

Tig didn't accompany Chibs and Juice on said trip. He spent his morning with Lauren.

"Tig" she whispered "can you be honest with me?"

"Of course, doll" he replied, running a hand through her hair.

"That night you came back and I cleaned you up, the night of Abels party. Tell me, did you kill Donna?"

He went silent, it ate at his mind ever since that night. Not being honest with her and the rest of the club wore hard on him. Here and now he could prove his loyalty to the club or to his old lady.

"Yes," he said "a mistake, either wa-"

"Okay. That's all I needed to know" she said trying to keep her cool.

"Aren't you mad at me?" He asked, leaning towards her.

"It wasn't for her, it was a fatal mistake. I don't need to know why it was for Opie. I just wanted you to tell me that you did that to his wife. I get it, Tig, club business"
Brea was up and ready before Lauren, she went outside for a smoke before asking Gemma if she needed any help. She saw Unser talking to her so she wasn't in any rush. After Unser was done, Tig was in there with her for a second. She seemed off, she had jumped when Tig tried to get her attention by a simple touch on the shoulder. She was in more than just a car accident.

Walking to the office, Juice and Chibs were just coming back as Clay was leaving.

"Hey, Clay" Chibs said to Clay.

"Get to work, shithead" he grumbled as he hopped on his bike.

"I'm pretty sure he was talking to you" Juice spoke as he got off his bike.

"Brea, I'm back" he said, hoping for a better reaction.

"I see" she said and walked into the office.

"What the fuck?" Chibs sighed as he took off his helmet.

"Jump on it, man. We're all tired of waiting, all the games you guys play. Just do it already" Juice shook his head as he walked into the garage.

Brea stood in the doorway as Gemma was sitting at her desk. She didn't want to come on too strong and spook Gemma.

"Morning" Brea smiled "wanted to know if there was anything you needed help with"

"Ah, I don't think so. It's been pretty slow. You girls can relax, I'll be okay alone" she smiled as she took off her glasses.

"If you need anything, you know where we are" Brea smiled weakly and turned to leave.
Another slow day at the clubhouse for Lauren and Brea. Lauren had spent her day alone, fearing she'd spill the secrets that were given to her. It put some pressure on her to stay quiet. She didn't want to lose her spot as being a trustworthy friend of the club. The Tig killing Donna thing, Brea did need to know, that took some weigh off her shoulders. Chibs being married was another story that she didn't bother asking too much about when she should've. He never wore his ring or really talked about her, but they were married still. She wondered who this woman was and why she didn't show her face around often. She was glad that Tig had been honest with her about his two children, Dawn and Fawn, and his ex wife. Those were severed ties.

"Hey, doll" Tig said as he stepped inside "Brea said you've been here all day, you alright?"

"I'm good, Tig. Just needed to think for a while" she nodd d.

"Well there's a wrap party tonight at caracara, all the guys are going"

"All the pussy you'd ever want in one building" Lauren scoffed.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm with you, I love you" Tig spoke as he kneeled in front of her.

"Love me?" She asked in shock.

"Yeah, doll, I do" he nodded and kissed her hand.

"I love you too, Tig" she smiled to him as she grabbed his face in a kiss "how long until you have to leave?"

"I can be a few minutes late if you got other plans for me" he laughed, holding her and laying her down on the bed.

"Just wanna show you how much I love you, Alexander"

"I'm all in, baby"

Out in the lounge, Chibs walked past Brea at the bar and went to his room. He changed out of his work uniform and into regular clothes for the night, throwing his kutte on top of it all. Leaving his room he stopped by at the bar, sitting next to Brea.

"Talk to me, lass. I-I can't lose you" Chibs spoke with his head in his hands.

"I'm tired of not knowing wether you want us to work or not"

"Me too, love" he stood up "I'm goin to a wrap party tonight at caracara, I'll see you in the morning. We leave for a run tomorrow and we'll be gone a few days"

"Okay, I'll be here" she smiled.

"That's what I hope," he kissed her forehead "goodnight, Brea"

"Goodnight, Filip"

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