31. Not for the club

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Not everyone could fit in the waiting room so they filled the hallway. Lauren would eye Chibs, she wasn't impressed with him at all. Another thought running through her mind was where his wife was all this time. He went to the clubhouse and that was it.

Tig played with her hands to keep himself distracted.  He look at her looking at Chibs, then Brea and then back to him. Her eyes went in a cycle viewing those three people while they waited together. She was filled with questions, he could see it, sense it.

Chibs knew Lauren was eyeing him but there was nothing he could do to make her happy now. All she could do was think about it and if she wanted, forget it. He would look at Brea, wanted to hold her hands the way Tig held Lauren's. He wanted her in every way imaginable. Every doubt in his mind was loud but his desire to be with her was growing daily.

Brea shrugged off the feeling of Chibs watching her. Maybe putting distance between them would help or maybe he'd make up his mind. It was early in the morning when he told her those things and he was most likely very hungover. Either way, she had no doubt she'd run to him if he said the words.

As time passed, more people came to the waiting room leading to everyone who had seats, gave them up. Now everyone gathered in the hallway. Brea and Lauren stood across from each other, she gave Brea a smile. When Jax came around the corner with Tara, everyone perked up to hear. Clay was closest, Chibs and Brea were directly behind him.

"How is she?" Clay asked Tara.

"She's stable, nothing serious. We just need to keep her for a few more tests and X-rays" Tara said with a smile, reassuring everyone.

"Can I see her?"

"It's gonna be a while" she gave a small smile before turning away and leaving.

Clay pulled Jax away to talk to him alone. Unser was on the phone behind them. Lauren and Brea smiled to each other, glad to hear Gemma was okay. Unser then told the boys how the feds had wiped out Luann's studio and they figured out who was going where. Jax, Tig and Opie were the only ones who left to find out more on the situation while everyone else stayed behind.

When Lauren really thought about it, Tig and Opie leaving together, it seemed wrong. She thought back on the night of Abels coming home party, Donnas death and Tigs leaving. That night when he came home, he was a mess, saying he did a bad thing. It was as if a confession to his mistake to killing Donna without really saying it. Clay putting them together when Jax had offered Tig to go with Chibs was his doing, like he did it on purpose.

Clay got a phone call, didn't sound good. Everyone looked to him to hear what he'd say to them. 

"We gotta go back to the clubhouse. I want you guys to get Lauren and Brea back, I'll talk to Gemma and meet you guys there. Jax, Tig and Opie should all be there" Clay said to everyone.

When they were all outside, Brea walked past Chibs' bike and to Juice instead. Lauren looked as confused as Chibs did.

"Ride with Chibs for me, yeah?" She whispered to Lauren and she nodded in silence.

She was given a helmet by Juice, looking at Chibs with mischief. She was mad that he got to be with any girl and deny her all the time so maybe she'd make him jealous.

"What the fucks happenin', love?" Chibs asked Lauren as he handed her a helmet.

"You're taking your time is what's happening" Lauren said as she got on his bike.

"Well I gotta catch up then, don't I?"

"Like get a divorce" Lauren rolled her eyes as Chibs started his bike and left St. Thomas.
The boys all left on a gun delivery leaving Lauren and Brea at the clubhouse. Probably not a good idea considering Lauren had a crushing secret that could hurt everyone.

Her mind bounced on wether to tell her or not. Telling her was the honest thing to do as a good friend but she didn't want to have to face any consequences. If Brea left, she'd be alone and the club would all know how she couldn't keep a secret. She shook her head and stood up.

"I'm gonna head to bed" she said and left before Brea could ask any questions.
That night, the boys came back with an injured Bobby, Tara and Gemma. Everyone was back and surrounded around Bobby with a bloody shoulder, except Jax.

"How's it look, doc?" He asked Tara.

"You're lucky it went straight through" she replied.

"Ah, Jesus Christ" Jax spoke as he walked in to see what was happening.

"Mayans crashed out little miner delivery, man" Tig told him.

"You alright?" Jax asked Bobby.

"I'm in good hands" he nodded with a grunt.

"They got away with two cases of the AKs" Half-Sack informed him.

Most of the people were seeing Gemma's face for the first time. She tried to hide it from Jax when he looked over but he saw anyways. Clay called Jax aside before he could say much to her.

Tig had a close eye on Gemma, somethin didn't feel right to him. He could also tell that Brea was skeptical by the way she looked at her. She was more than physically injured, she was different emotionally. Only problem was that they wouldn't know for sure unless she told them herself. Gemma left from the scene with Bobby and the boys, it was too much for her at the moment.

Chibs saw Gemma leaves and looked for Brea, not wanting her to wander from his side. He was tired of trying so hard to resist her and what he wanted. Maybe he'd give it a try, see how shit works with Fiona and Jimmy. She was still here for a reason and he knew it wasn't for the club or Lauren. It was for him.

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