56. On track

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Chibs avoided talk of Belfast with Brea around, not wanting to bring it up to her. He knew she'd want to go and it put him in a sticky spot. In Belfast was Jimmy and his whole second family. He had been with Brea for a few months and it had been more than enough time for him to tell her but he hadn't. Her finding out would break her, break him and she'd no doubt leave him. But if she stayed back, she'd be vulnerable to any threats in Charming. She was open for Stahl to attack and if he wanted to, Jimmy could fly over and make his face known to her again.

The next afternoon, the boys had church. Currently, Brea and Lauren were sitting at the bar with the hopeful prospects to be. When they called them in, Lauren and Brea wished them luck. Prospects were valuable to the club and ever since Half-Sack left, they needed a new one, or three. When they came back, they wore kuttes, Brea and Lauren clapping for them.

"Congrats!" Brea exclaimed.

"Thanks" they smiled and continued to help around the clubhouse.

A mere few minutes later, the rest of the boys came out, Tig grasping onto Happy. He must've been patched over successfully, that suspicion was confirmed when Bobby held Redwood patches in his hand for Happy. Kozik on the other hand, wasn't as glad. Prospects handed out beers to the sons as they celebrated.

"Welcome to Redwood, Hap" Brea smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks, Brea" he smiled to her.

Lauren had congratulated him the same. The congratulations stopped quickly when Kozik punched Tig in the shoulder. Lauren jumped to help but Happy held her back.

"Son of a bitch" Tig spat.

"Not fun getting sucker punched, is it?" Kozik responded.

"Nah" Tig shook his head and punched him.

A fight started, Juice moving furniture out of the way. Brea and Lauren watched with wide eyes as the sons battled it out. Guy things, right? The other sons laughing and watching with smiles.

"Don't dance, hit him!" Happy shouted.

"Jesus" Lauren mumbled and ran a hand down her face.

The fight ended when the boys chose to pull them off each other. Each had a few bumps and bruises but nothing serious. Tig and Kozik were patched up and out for their day.
Brea and Lauren worked in the office, even after the boys came back for church again.

"Belfast, huh? Can't believe they're going" Lauren said absentmindedly.

"Who?" Brea asked, raising her brows.

"The sons, to find Abel" she clarified, still not fully realizing Brea was clueless.

"I was not informed about this trip" Brea huffed.

She stood up to go to the clubhouse but was stopped as police cars filled the parking lot. Officers exited with guns, shouting for people to get down. Brea stopped and dropped to her knees. Lauren was then prompted to as well. When brought to their feet, Brea ran to the rest. Lauren had walked, she didn't feel the need to rush into anyone's arms. Chibs was expecting a hug but Brea stopped herself.

"We have to talk later" Brea growled at Chibs with a finger pressed into his chest.

"You alright, darlin?" Jax asked her.

"Fine, what's this about?"

"Search and seizure, looking for drugs" he said.

"We don't do that, right?" She asked, looking up to him.

"Nah, not our business" he shook his head.
Night fell and the clubhouse was quiet. Tig and Lauren sat across from each other in bed.

"Belfast, I'm going, you can ask Gemma yourself, sh-"

"Alright" he cut her off, already on board with her going.

"I want Brea to go too" she whispered.

"That's up to Chibs" Tig said, raising his hands in the air.

"No, that's a club decision, please. If Chibs doesn't want her to go, make him let her"

"Fiona is there, he won't want her getting mixed up with that"

"I'm not leaving her here, that's final"

In Chibs and Breas room, a similar conversation was about to start. Chibs walking in the room, Brea was sitting on the bed.

"You wanted to talk, baby?" He asked.

"I'm going to Belfast, Filip. You didn't tell me about it, I don't appreciate that, but I forgive you" she said.

"You're not going, Jimmy is there" he shook his head.

"Am I any better here?! I'm a fucking sitting duck! What if a rival MC swings by and picks me up? What if Jimmy O' sees you're not here and come by to pay me a visit? I'm safer in Belfast with you and the sons, where you can protect me, Filip. You know it as well as I do"

"Brea, its messy up there in Northern Ireland, I just don't want you to be caught in it"

"I'll be alright, Filip. Just, I need to be there. I was there when Abel was taken, I watched it right in front of me. I should've done something but it's too late and I need to know that I can help somehow. Even just going to Belfast puts me closer to him" She shook her head as she spoke.

"Alright, love, alright. I get it, but don't get yourself in trouble"

"I'd never do such a thing" she faked a gasp.

"Oh, I love you, mo ghra" he said and kissed her.

"I love you too, Filip" she smiled back at him.

In the arms of their old men, Lauren and Brea slept at peace. Things seemed to be going on track for now, their flight set for tomorrow at six pm. Their hearing was pushed back ten days, giving them time to look for Abel and still make it back. It was rare for everyone to be at this level of peace and calm in this life. They've been out running to figure last minute stuff out and it's been fixed. Nothing more they can do now until they get to Belfast.

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