93. Fawn

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In the morning, each girl was woken up by a call from Telford. Giving them an address to visit them for the day, or at least a few hours. It was enough, more than enough for Lauren. It wasn't enough for Chibs to see his daughter though.

They came separate, Lauren arriving earlier as she wasn't packing up a baby as well as herself. She ran into the doors and saw Tig on the couch. His body was slumped, hanging off the sofa in his own pity. Lauren scooped him up into her lap, holding his head in her arms. She showered him with small kisses. Tig was unaware she was coming, it took a while for it to sit in that she was actually there.

"Oh, god, doll" he sighed, reaching up to touch her face as well.

"Hey, baby" she mumbled, reaching down to kiss him on the lips.

"I'm sorry, so so sorry. For blowin up on you, you know I'm happy for you, for us, right? So excited to have this baby" he spoke, putting a hand on her stomach.

"I know, I know. You don't get to be sorry, so hush now. I'm here"

Brea then arrived, with the baby bag on her shoulder and Juniper in her arms. Chibs looked up every time the door opened and this time he saw what he wanted. He jogged to her across the short distance of the office and hugged his girls.

"Oh love I'm glad you're here," he sighed, kissing Brea and then Junpier "how was it last night?"

"She didn't sleep, as expected. Roosevelt stopped by, also expected" Brea sighed.

"Aye, I'm sorry. I should be home soon"

"You're going to jail, aren't you? You can't get out of that, Filip. Please don't lie to me" she put her hand on his chest.

"We're getting protection, gonna talk to Lowen today and try to get us out or somethin"

"Can I see the baby?" Jax asked Brea.

"Yeah, of course" Brea smiled, seeing Tara join Jax as he took Juniper from her.

"I shouldn't be in long, Brea. I feel it, lass" he finished his hopeful speech.

"I'll believe it when I see it," she scoffed and turned to Jax "you guys get in and get out, fast and in one piece. I need him at home"

"Yes ma'am" Jax nodded with a smirk.

"Don't call me ma'am, that's for old ladies" Brea snapped back.

"Of course, darlin. Won't make that mistake again" Jax turned to Tara with a surprised expression.

"Where's the pimp runnin this brothel?" Brea asked, Jax, or Chibs to be honest.

"Here," Nero said raising his hand as Brea turned to find the voice "Nero Padilla"

"Brea Herder, Fili-Chibs, old lady," she corrected herself as she shook his hand "what is this?"

"Escort service. It's all legit, nothin to worry about"

"How do you know the sons?" Brea pried, crossing her arms.

"Mutual friends" Nero smirked, looking towards Gemma slyly.

"Just, keep the whores from my boys, Chibs, Tig, Jax" Brea threatened.

"All of them are your boys?" Nero raised his brows.

"Eventually they will" she smiled proudly, knowing Chibs was on his way to president.


"Tig, we've got an address for Fawn, heading out soon" Jax said to Tig who was still in Lauren's lap.

"I wanna go too" Lauren spoke up.

"Baby, I don't know" Tig tried to protest.

"I'm going" she corrected herself, making it clear it was not a question.

"Yeah, alright" he nodded.

When they arrived, Tig jumped out the car before Jax could stop. Jax and Lauren yelling for him to stop but he didn't slow down. Everyone having to catch up with him. Jax kept an eye on Lauren, made sure she was close to him or any other son.

"Lookin' for Fawn Trager," Tig said as he ascended the steps of the porch, when he got no answer he kicked the table, gun drawn "on your knees!" He shouted.

Juice, Happy and the others backed him. Chibs made sure Lauren was away from the action but she refused. She shoved his arms off of her and jumped over the porch railing. She walked up next to Tig, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Put the gun down, your rage got us into this mess in the first place. Think again, our baby, me, Fawn" Lauren cooed, soothing his racing heart.

His trigger finger moved faster than his thoughts. He knew it as well as she did.

"No ink, they're not niners" Juice said to Jax.

From inside there was a scream from a woman. Tig registered that with Fawn. She screamed for someone to 'stop it'.

"Awh, shit" Tig cursed, throwing himself in the building.

"Lauren, stay close" Jax directed her.

The boys moved in behind Tig with their guns up. Tig was too far ahead, following the screams. They happened over and over. When they found Tig, there was a man in the corner and a naked woman on the bed.

"He's my boyfriend, asshole" she yelled at Tig, that was Fawn.

"But he-he was" Tig stuttered, lowering his gun.

"Jesus Christ" Fawn mumbled, throwing her face into the sheets.

"Tig, she's alright. Just, calm down" Lauren once again calmed him.

They regrouped in the living room, everyone clothed. Tig sat on a couch, Lauren beside him. Everyone else stood.

"I had-I had to find you, baby," Tig said to Fawn "you might be in trouble. There's a guy, a black guy, he wants to hurt me, my family"

"Why? What the hell did you do now?" Fawn spoke with an accusatory tone, sitting across from him.

"Well I-I, you just gotta get out of town for a while, please" Tig held her hands in his.

"What about Dawn? Get her to go? Or maybe you just paid her to go"

Tig raised his hand to his mouth as his eyes glazed over with tears. Fawn assessed his facial expressions, it was setting in.

"Oh, shit," she whispered, Tigs eyes dropping to the ground, anywhere else but hers "dad, where is she?"

Tig wiped away tears and shook his head. He left it to Fawn to imagine what had happened to her sister. Fawns face contorted in disgust for her father.

"I hate you," Fawn started out with a whisper "I hate you! I hate you!" She now screamed.

"I know, I know" Tig agreed, his mind having he same monologue about himself.

She repeated her screams as she threw weak punches. Lauren stepped away from it all for her own good. When Fawn was pulled away from Tig, he looked around and saw Lauren was gone. He followed after her and found her outside.

"Lauren-" he started.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have come anyways. You didn't do anything wrong"

"I did everything wrong" Tig whispered.

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