76. Daddy

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In the morning, the boys left off to the warehouse. Brea made her way to TM where Lauren, Chucky, Gemma and Tara all were. Brea carried Thomas to the car while she followed behind Tara and Gemma who spoke amongst themselves. Lauren followed as well to see Tara and Thomas off. The girls were both fairly close with Tara and her kids. Lauren wanted her own kids and spending time with Tara's was the closest she could get. Brea on the other hand wasn't too fond on kids so being with them was enough for her to deal with. When a taxi pulled up, everyone's attention was on it. A woman with dark hair, laced with teal and purple strands got out.

"Oh, Christ" Gemma mumbled.

"Who's that?" Tara asked her.

"Half of Satans spawn" Gemma replied and went to greet her.

Tara was still confused as she stood alone. She looked to Brea and Lauren for an answer.

"Tigs daughter, one of them" Lauren clarified.

"Mama Gemma" she said to Gemma, pulling her in for a hug.

"Hi, baby. Daddy's not here Dawnie" she spoke still in the hug.

"It's Margeaux now, with an x" Dawn clarified Gemma as she pulled away.

"Oh" Gemma sighed.

"Daddy doesn't know I'm comin," she smiled, then the cab driver banged on the roof to let her know she owed him "oh, sorry," she told him and turned to Gemma "got a twenty?"

"I do" Lauren butted in, pulling a twenty from her wallet.

"I got this, Lauren" Gemma pushed her hand away and gave Dawn her twenty instead.

Dawn left to give the driver her money and retrieve her bag. Coming back to the girls, the taxi left and Chucky made his way over.

"Hi, I'm Tara" Tara introduced herself.

"Hey" she eyed her up and down.

Lauren and Brea got the sign to step away from her at the moment. She didn't seem impressed with Tara. Either way, Lauren wouldn't know how to introduce herself. Tig had talked about Dawn and Fawn but they weren't in regular contact. It was hard to with him always having new numbers with the burners. Lauren wasn't even a relevant person to Dawn so she left it like that for now.

"Can I help you with this?" Chucky offered to take her bag, hand out to help.

"Holy shit, are those things real?!" She exclaimed, handing off her bag to him.

"No. I mean yes, they exist b-" Chucky started to reply but was cut off by Gemma.

"Hey, where's your sister?"

"That's why I'm here," she bit her lip "she's bad. I need my daddy" she cried into Gemma's arms again.

"Lauren, find your old man. We need him here" Gemma instructed her.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded and walked off to talk to Tig.

In the warehouse Tig stood with all the other guys, trying to weed out a thief. His phone rang and seeing it was Lauren, he answered it with no hesitation.

"Hi, doll. What's up?" He asked in a hushed tone, waking a few steps away from the guys.

"Dawn is here at TM, needs her 'daddy'" Lauren mocked her in a joking matter.

"Shit doll, call me that again" Tig groaned, feeling himself harden.

"Just come to TM" Lauren cut him off.

He hung up and walked to Clay.

"Clay, I got a thing at TM. Uh yeah, my kid just showed up" he said.

"Which one?" Bobby asked.

"The crazy one"

"Which one?" Jax followed up.

"Yeah, I know" he shrugged knowing they were both crazy and it didn't help differentiate between the two.

Clay sighed before motioning towards the door and Tig made his way out. Bobby then tagged along as well.

Lauren walked into the clubhouse where Gemma and Dawn were. They clearly had some close connection, past connections.

"He's on his way" Lauren smiled to them.

"If you need anything, ask Mr. Happy hands" Gemma snickered.

"Thank you" Dawn hugged Gemma.

Lauren felt a longing to have a kid, or even have Dawn know that she was with her father. Seeing her hug Gemma made her grow sad in a sense. She didn't have that and she wanted it.

"And you, thank you" Dawn spoke, now facing Lauren.

"No problem" she shrugged it off with a half smile.

"Hey, I'm late" Tara walked in, Brea with Thomas trailing behind.

Brea handed Thomas to Tara so she could put him in his car seat.

"Bye" Gemma hugged Tara and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning" everyone stopped and turned to see Ima walking into the lounge.

"What are you doing here?" Tara asked, filling with rage seeing her here.

Tara had to fight Ima for Jax and she wasn't going to let her anywhere close again. She was one of Lylas coworkers and had no problem sleeping with anyone, taken or single.

"I was a guest" she replied, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Whose?" Tara pried.

"I don't think it's any of your business" she scoffed

"Then make it out business" Gemma spoke as she walked towards her.

"I was invited" Ima stood her ground.

"Invitation's over" Tara growled, also making her way towards her.

"Now would be a good time to get your shit and get out" Gemma suggested.

Brea was lost, she lit a cigarette and sat in the corner. Lauren sat nearby but still kept her distance after their argument. Dawn made herself comfortable with the other two, taking her seat as well.

"Who are you guys? Old ladies? Crows?" She asked, leaning forward with a smile on her face.

"Chibs' old lady," Brea answered, taking a drag "Brea"

"And you?"

"Lauren" Lauren replied, leaving any information that wasn't hers to share to herself.

"I'm Margeaux, with an X," she said, infatuated with her new name she's given herself "Who's that Tara chick?" She pointed to Tara.

"Jaxs' old lady" Lauren answered again.

"Wow, he must love her. Making her a mother. I'd love to have my own kids one day, what about you?" Dawn day dreamed.

"Eh" Brea shrugged.

"Yeah, I do. Really bad, too," Lauren nodded "it's just that Tig doesn't want to an-" she caught herself but Dawn caught her quicker.

"Wait, w-why is my daddy in this conversation?" She asked with confused features.

"I'm his old lady"

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