26. Accepting and safe

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As Tig left the house, he felt bad for leaving Lauren in the dark. This was his responsibility to the club and she couldn't change that. He drove to the car he had parked to kill Opie. Clay and him agreed for the hit on him. He was a rat and they couldn't have a liability in the club.

He took of his kutte and left it with his bike. Once in the car he pulled his hoodie over himself to help hide his identity. Watching Donna and the kids car drive towards him, he waited for Opies truck and followed it. Once at a red light, he knew this was his shot. He placed a ski mask on and shot through his window and into the back of Opies truck. He drove up to mask sure the job was done only to see Donna, dead.

"Shit" he seethed "shit!"

He drove off in fear and anger all towards himself. He fucked up and killed an innocent woman. She hated Opies ties to the club, she was like Brea, didn't like the club and their business. Opie loved her though, they made it work but now she was dead and Opie was alive.
Her murder was called in and shocked the whole party. The boys left to go check on it and see what happened. Gemma had gotten rid of all the crow eaters so it left her, Wendy, Brea and Lauren.

Lauren bit the inside of her cheek realizing this meant Tig most likely killed Donna. But why didn't make sense, why would he kill her? She was just Opies old lady, never hurt anyone or did anything wrong. She was all for earning clean and keeping her kids safe. No one spoke about it, it was an all around silence. Lauren clenched her fists thinking about him doing that, it want her right to know but she sure wanted to and why.

Brea was spooked even further, already not liking the club and now there was a dead wife. She hadn't done anything to deserve that. That could be her and that scared her beyond belief.

When Jax walked in, everyone's eyes were turned to him. Gemma walked up to him and held him in her arms while he cried. They shared some words between each other.

"You should go home, take the girls to the clubhouse" Jax said.

"I'm not going there, I-I can't" Brea said.

"I know you're scared, but the boys are there, can keep you safe" Jax tried to keep his cool.

"Jax, I don't wan-"

"I'm not letting you go home, I will not let him hurt you anymore. You will go to the clubhouse, now" Jax snapped.

She fell silent with fear and understanding. Lauren walked with her, an arm around her. She was cautious when walking around Jax. Gemma shook her head as she left behind the girls to drive them back.

"He didn't mean to snap like that, baby" Gemma said to Brea.

All she did was nod, not wanting to think about it any further. She stood at a crossroads and neither road was safe if she wanted to stay in Charming.

Lauren was quiet for another reason, she just wanted to see Tig. She needed to talk to him or at least just see him to know he's okay physically. His head may be somewhere else after what she thought he did. She couldn't be sure though, maybe there was some other club business happening and he was totally unrelated to the Donna killing.

Gemma dropped the girls off and watched them disappear into the club house. Chibs and Juice sat at the bar in silence. Lauren walked up between them.

"Any of you seen Tig?" She asked.

"Nah" Juice shook his head.

"Sorry, lass," Chibs spoke "Is Brea with you?"

"Yeah, you better talk to her," she whispered "Jax snapped on her and overall spooked, be kind"

"I got this, Lauren," he stood up, holding her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek "thank you though"

He pat her on the back before walking to his room. He figured she'd be there as she wasn't in the main room. He took a deep breath before opening the door. Brea was covered in the blankets, holding herself.

"Go away" she said to him.

"I won't leave you alone" he shook his head though she couldn't see.

He took off his boots and got in the bed with her. They faced each other but weren't touching.

"I can't end up like her, I-I can't stay here" Brea spoke.

"You won't, we've got you"

"I bet Opie fed her the same bullshit and now she just ate lead," tears formed in her eyes "I-I can't go home, Kasper is there and I hate him, oh god I hate him but I love him. I have no car or family o-"

Chibs cut her off by pressing his lips to hers, stopping her tears and rambling. He told himself he wouldn't rush this but it felt right, he wanted to help and he just did. He pulled away and held her face with his hand.

"We can help you leave Kasper, we'll come with you to get your things-"

"And Sam, I can't leave him with Kasper" she added in.

"And Sam, get you a restraining order. This here, this is home now. Your car, we can help you get one. Work here and save to get one, I'll help you along the way. And family, you're already in a big one that loves you lots" he spoke with sincerity in his eyes.

She nodded and wiped her tears away. She let him hold her. Maybe she was accepting the club life, or maybe she was in a trance from that kiss. Either way, right now in this moment in time, she felt safe. Safe in his arms, safe in the clubhouse and safe in Charming.

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