8. Forgotten

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The next day, Gemma had brought Brea and Lauren to TM to help

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The next day, Gemma had brought Brea and Lauren to TM to help. Today they were in the office with Gemma, paperwork and shit like that. Tedious things but when it was slow, they could just talk with Gemma or with each other. This want a normal job, here was laid back and low profile.

Gemma stood looking out the window, her arms crossed and shaking her head.

"Bitch" she mumbled to herself.

"Who's that?" Brea asked.

"Jax's high school sweetheart, she tore his heart apart. I'm gonna go talk to Clay, you girls are free to do whatever" she said and walked out the office.

"Jealous?" Lauren asked.

"I won't even try to fight this because you'll believe what you want" Brea scrunched her shoulders.

"Hey," a new voice was heard, they turned to see Tig "sorry about last night, leaving you girls to something we invited you to"

"It's no problem, really. It was nice to hang out one on one again. Just inviting us was a nice gesture" Lauren told him.

"That's us, were friendly folk down here" he smiled.

"Tigger! Get over here" Clay called Tig.

"Gotta run, catch ya later, you girls take care now" he said before jogging off to the garage.

Brea's phone buzzed, Gemma has texted her to let her know she was giving Tara a ride home. Leaving them alone longer with nothing to do. Jax and Bobby left earlier in the day, then all the others but Tig and Juice stayed behind.

Day passed, Lauren and Brea playing cards, truth or dare and other dumb shit. Then it was night, customers left and Juice and Tig still weren't back. They had no car still, so they walked or waited around.

"Then we walk!" Lauren said to Brea.

"We can't, its dark and we have ties! Do you keep forgetting, we are targets" Brea said "we wait, they'll be back. Right? If not, we um, we have sofas and the clubhouse has a bar and more sofas in there! We'll be fine here"

"What if we call Gemma? Instead of just hoping they'll come back"

"It's late, I don't want to call and possible wake her up and piss her off. We haven't crossed that line yet and I would like to avoid it if possible"

"Okay, we wait"

It was only a matter of time before the truck arrived. Juice and Tig started to unload some barrels. Brea and Lauren stood up and walked into the parking lot of TM.

"Hey, guys" Brea waved with a yawn.

"Shit, why are you guys still here?" Juice asked.

"Forgotten" Brea pursed her lips.

"Ah, shit" Tig groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Brea felt guilty for waiting, they were probably exhausted. Lauren deep down wanted to stay and wait but didn't want to seem clingy. But she got excited to see Tig, school girl crush is what it was.

"We can drive you guys up to your motel after we finish unloading the truck. We got a drive coming up anyways" Tig spoke.

All four piled into the cargo truck. Tig drove, Lauren next to him, Brea and then Juice on the other end. The drive wasn't very exciting, the boys were tired, seemed a little down if anything. Tig was sitting funny also, putting all his weight into one side it seemed, leaning towards the left.

"Why the hell are you sitting like that?" Lauren asked.

"Ask Juicy over there" He scoffed.

"Listen, he didn't tell me to give the dog sleeping pills and not crank" he defended himself.

"But crank? Why would that even be considered?" Brea asked.

"I wasn't thinking. I already got Tig on me, don't need you on me too, alright?" He said as he turned to look out the window with a sigh.

"So why is he sitting like that? No one answered the question" Lauren whined.

"The dog was on crank, chased after me in the parking lot and got a hold of my ass" Tig clarified.

"How are the crows gonna take that?" Brea asked him.

"Crows are crows, desperate to be an old lady. Some dog bite won't stop them, if anything they might like it a little more"

"Disgusting" Brea scoffed.

Lauren looked down as she became very intrigued with her hands. Fidgeting with her fingers, trying to keep her mind off of Tig taking about the whores he slept with all the time. She shouldn't be surprised, all the guys did but it didn't not hurt any less.

"Where are you guys headed after this?" Brea asked from outside the truck, looking up at Tig.

"Indian Hills, patch over"

"Have fun, be back soon" Brea smiled as she waved them off, Tig honking the horn back at them.

Brea wrapped her arm around Lauren as they walked across the lot. It was still pretty vacant, only a few cars lingered. The green glow of the sign and ugly outdoor lights illuminated their way.

"We still don't have our clothes, do we?" Brea mumbled.

"Nah" Lauren shook her head.

"Listen, Tig fucks crows, Jax does, Bobby does, Happy does, Juice does, th-"

"Chibs does" Lauren added to the list what Brea didn't want to say herself.

"They all do, it's their way of life" Brea assured her "just gotta move on, get shit done"

"I guess, maybe some other good lookin man will cross my path and we'll fall in love and live happily ever after" Lauren spoke optimistically.

"Don't be an ass, I was trying to keep you thinking positive"

As they arrived to their balcony floor, Brea stood at her door and Lauren at hers. They kind of just stared at each other for a minute. Lauren was defeated, and tired. Brea had the same tired look in her eyes but defeated wasn't there, she was avoiding feelings and that was easy as Chibs was never around.

"If you need anything, you know where I am. Don't hesitate to get me. Goodnight, Lo" Brea smiled.

"I know, goodnight. See you in the morning" Lauren smiled back as she turned into her room for the night.

Brea stayed out, having a smoke before taking her stride into her room for the night.

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