113. Enough

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Early in the morning, Brea and Lauren hauled themselves with their men and children to TM. It was before they were open, just the boys on the lot. They had church, Lauren and Brea waited for them outside. Gemma had been in the office alone.

Juniper was asleep in her car seat, Lauren rocking her. Brea sat next to Lauren, taking a moment to herself. Clay had come out at some point and stood in the garage. He looked as if he was on time out.

"Wonder what happened" Lauren mumbled.

"Who knows anymore" Brea sighed.

It had been a few minutes when Chibs came out alone. He nodded to Brea and Lauren as he continued walking to get Clay. Chibs had a solemn, stern look on his face as they were coming back.

"He ain't happy, whatever happened" Brea said to Lauren.

"Yeah, dont look so good" Lauren agreed.

The clubhouse door opened and Jax charged at Clay. He thrashed Clay backwards onto the table, which hit the girls table and Junipers car seat dropped onto the ground. Brea screamed as she ran to pick up the car seat, Juniper crying. Lauren felt guilty as she was rocking her and couldn't grab the car seat and stop it from falling.

"Jackie!" Chibs shouted.

Brea unbuckled Juniper and soothed her while looking over at the fight. Jax had thrown Chibs out on his back as he continued to beat Clay.

"Jesus Christ" Lauren mumbled.

Chibs had gotten back on his feet quickly. He heard Juniper crying and looked over to Brea.

"She alrigh?" Chibs shouted to her.

"Fine" Brea yelled back, she left the fight and kept her response short because she knew Chibs wasn't coming.

Chibs huffed and made sure he'd break this up quickly. Working with Tig to pull Jax off of Clay as fast as possible. They each grabbed an arms and pulled him back, Jax thrashed against them.

"No more!" Tig shouted.

"Done!" Chibs yelled at Jax.

He turned away and ran to Brea who stood with Gemma with Juniper between them. She was still crying, that was the only thing heard on the lot.

"What happened?" Tig asked Lauren as he came to her side when Jax calmed down.

"I guess when Jax shoved Clay, it hit our table and rocked Juniper off the edge onto the ground" Lauren tried to explain.

"Shit" he mumbled as he pulled Lauren into his chest.

"Is she okay?" Chibs asked again, panting from the adrenaline.

"I think so, I'm gonna run her down to St. Thomas probably, just as a precaution, have Tara check her out" Brea replied, not looking up at him.

"I can go too. I'll drive us" Chibs offered.

"It's alright, I got it. You deal with your club"

"Family is number one" Chibs shook his head, denying her rejection for help.

"Not what it looked like two minutes ago" Brea mumbled and left to get Juniper in her car seat.

She got in the car and left. Lauren sighed and pulled away from Tig.

"I-I gotta go home. I can't be here" she shook her head as she headed out in her own car.

Chibs charged towards Jax with long strides. His fists clenched as he threw Jax against the wall. He held him by his collar.

"Jackie boy! Your rage almost hurt my baby!" He screamed in his face.

"What?" Jax asked, blinking himself out of his anger.

"When you were busy beating Clay, Juniper was rocked off the table and Brea's gone to the hospital"

"Shit! Shit" Jax cursed and had to pry Chibs off of him.

"Jackie!" Chibs shouted.

"I gotta talk to her" Jax shook his head as he put on his helmet and left.

Brea knocked on the door of Tara's office. She was allowed inside and made her way in.

"I️-I️, Juniper fell off a table in her car seat and I️ need someone to look at her" she tried to contain herself.

"Oh, yeah, of course. What happened?" Tara asked as she picked Juniper up.

"There was a little toss up at the clubhouse a-"

"Jax?" Tara asked, eyes flicking up to look at her for confirmation.

"Yeah" she mumbled with a nod.

"I'll get her an examination room. Do you wanna come?" Tara asked, standing in the doorway.

"Can I just have a second?"

"Yeah. If you need me, find a nurse and they'll page me. I'm sure she's alright, don't stress"

Tara closed the door and ran into Jax. She looked up in shock, ready to apologize until she saw who it was.

"Is she alright? Juniper?" He asked out of breath.

"I'm taking a look at her now. Don't talk to Brea, she can't handle it"

"Her old man isn't there so I️ think I'm better than nothing," he argued "you do your job and check Juniper"

"My job as the 'queen' is to keep everyone safe and happy. Y-"

"Don't pull that pretentious I'm with the club bullshit because you're mad at me and don't want me to see her. I'm going, she needs someone" he insisted.

He passed by Tara and made his way to her office. He found Brea inside with her head in her hands. Her back moved with sobs and sniffles. He quietly sat down next to her and placed a hand on her back.

"I️ don't know what to say, Brea. I'm just, I'm really sorry" he said, no words could amount to the regret he felt.

Brea did the unexpected, turning into his arms. She cried into his shirt, all her sadness and anger flowing out in one form: tears. There was more anger in her towards Chibs than Jax. She wasn't like Jax, her hatred and anger didn't over power her compassion and forgiving. Jax was somebody, and that's what she craved in a time of weakness. Even if it was coming from someone she thought she held hatred towards. It was something. It was enough and that was all she needed.

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